Aerivin Dorn o Maraigh Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Aerivin Dorn o Maraigh

Lady Aerivin Dorn- Maraigh

Wife to Sir Perrik Dorn. Mother to Tarana, who would be Queen to Dorreon III.   Like most of Clan Maraigh, little is known of Lady Aerivin's history. She was a lady in waiting at Castle Malbrand during the events of the Three Mox Men, when three knights came to visit Lady Helena Maraigh and never returned. Their servants did return however, and one of those servants was the squire Perrik Dorn, who brought Aerivin with him to Revelback. It was assumed Lady Helena had sent the girl with them as apology for the mysterious and accidental deaths of the Three Mox Men, though rumors did circulate that Perrik and Aerivin had eloped, or even that Perrik had stolen the girl away. They were wed shortly after their arrival in Revelback, bearing a daughter named Tarana in 944 RA.   Queen Tarana was widely mistrusted, and many called her a witch and a sorceress who seduced Dorreon III away from his betrothed, Raesa Capall (and later from Gildorrea Capall, his "true love"). This naturally lent a darker repute to her mother Aerivin. Clan Maraigh and indeed all the people of Malbrand were feared and mistrusted. Violence roiled in Revelback before the Third Brothers Rebellion, and among this violence was a seeming attempt to murder Lady Aerivin. She was riding from the High Hostel one morning when her horse threw her and a random Siiari peasant tried to drag her into a nearby alley. Several hostermen were present and managed to arrest the man, who was later hanged, yet the event seemed almost staged in its precision. Sadly, any attempt to investigate would soon be overshadowed by the attempt on the life of young Prince Bethraal, which accelerated the events that birthed the Rebellion.   Unlike her husband and daughter, Lady Aerivin would survive the Third Brothers Rebellion, spending the remainder of her years as a hostess at the chief hostel of Saolmoth to the west. Why she settled there, rather than returning to Malbrand, is anyone's guess.


Family Ties

4921 4983 62 years old
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Character Portrait image: by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop