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As one of the wellsprings of civilization in the ancient and medieval worlds, the birthplace of several world religions (Eccelsiam, Suffah) and an area of much modern economic and political importance, the Mashriq remains a popular destination for travelers.     Nations established within the region include:   Jinnistan   "A land of cherished tradition"   Pariestan   "Thirst for knowledge is ever present"   Imazigh   "Where kin mean the most"

Fauna & Flora

Desert-adapted wildlife is present throughout the region. The sea surrounding the Mashriq is generally a tropical sea with a very rich tropical sea life and some of the world's largest, undestroyed and most pristine coral reefs. In addition, the organisms living in symbiosis with the coral, the protozoa and zooxanthellae, have a unique hot weather adaptation to sudden rise (and fall) in sea water temperature. Hence, these coral reefs are not affected by coral bleaching caused by rise in temperature as elsewhere. The reefs are also unaffected by mass tourism and diving or other large scale people interference.


The Mashiq region has a long history of civilization, even before the Ghulat Wars and the resulting Wilderness Era. Much of this is due to Jinnistan, which started off as a settlement for Jinni within the desert sands and oasis. They lived there exclusively and isolated for time immemorial until the first outsiders came to discover their land, the ancient High Elves. This lead to the jinn develop the infrastructure of their settlement in the physical realm and becoming the dominant culture in the area once trade and commerce became commonplace in their area.    However once the Ghulat Wars came to their height, the majority of civilizations fell including Jinnistan, behind the sands for centuries.           Ethnically, the region is extremely mixed. Djinn, Lamiae, Harpies and Juweihu are the largest groups, but there are several substantial minorities — Peri, Bakeneko and others — with their own languages, customs and sometimes their own countries. There are also substantial numbers of workers from other countries coming to the region for higher pay — mainly Giants for jobs like construction laborer, with Arcadians, Jambians, and some Kimins in the more skilled jobs.
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