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Badiat Coldaire

Badiat Coldaire is the largest desert in the Mashriq region. Its nickname is also known as the Desert of Monsters due to the dangers involved in the area.


This primarily desert occupies the northeastern corner of the continent of Dinahlli. It is bordered on the north by the and the east by the Pars Sea. Its western border is established by the banks of the Barrier Wall and the Stone Peaks provide a natural barrier to the south, where ruins of Jinnistan's predecessor stretches into further expanses of desert. Badiat Coldaire may be divided into three key parts, Nafudan, Adahna, and Rubakhali.   Noted for its sudden high winds and sandstorms, Nafudan is an large sand sheet dotted with scrub and small trees, also known as an erg. Rain falls here only once or twice a year. However, oases on its western edge, where it meets the Cafcuh Mountains, may produce dates and other fruits, as well as specific vegetables and grain that can handle arid climates. Zerzura  is a large oasis on the western margin of Nafudan that was an important starting or ending point for travelers crossing this hostile desert. Rock art distributed around the vicinity of Zerzura records the stories of those who passed by through the millennia. The oasis of Jubbah provided an important way station on the south-central perimeter of Nafudan.   The central part of the Ba, the Dahnad is a long, narrow crescent of sand dunes that connects Nafudan in the north to Rubakhali in the south. It is about 1,200 km long and 24-80 km wide, with red dunes referred to as veins.   The Rubakhali, known by nomads as the Barren Dunes, is the largest sand desert in the world, covering an incredible 650,000 km2 (1,000 km long and 500 km wide). Occupying over a third of the region, it spans the southeastern part of Jinnistan, as well as parts of Parestan. Elevations run from 800 m in the southwest to around sea level in the northeast. For the most part, the Rubakhali is covered in enormous reddish-orange sand dunes, reaching up to 250 m in height. Remnants of ancient lakes, expressed as hard pans of calcium carbonate, gypsum, marl or clay, provide evidence of a lusher environment and gentler climate approximately 15,000-7000 years ago. Today, this vast sand sea has a hyper-arid climate with an average high temperature of 47 C nand maximum high of around 56 C. The average annual precipitation is only around 30 mm currently.     Many dangerous obstacles threatened would-be travelers in this land, hence the colloquial name. Vicious dust storms can blind riders so they could not even see the ears of their camels. Rain fall is rare, making sources of water scarce meanwhile scorching daytime temperatures could be followed by freezing nights.
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