Andraous is a large planet encircled by a silver ring of ice, metal and stone. The surface is dominated by five continents, countless islands, and vast seas. Below the surface is a twisting maze of caves, and caverns. At the very center of the planet is it's heart, a large core of crystals that generate magic. There is a wide diversity of habitats throughout the planet, from deserts, mountains tundra, tropical forests, fungal caves, fern forests, ect
Fauna & Flora
Just like the lands and seas, there is a huge diversity of flora and fauna that call this planet home. The skies are the domain of many airborne creatures, from the mighty Regal Dragons, Griffons, Sky Whales and Pterosaurs, while the seas are the lairs to Krakens, Sharks, and more. The land is the territory of Mammoths, Unicorns, and Common Wolves while the deep caves hide massive Spiders, Slimes, and more.
The planet is also host to a large diverse range of sentient life. Tamerea is home to the descendants of the 'Ancient Ones', and their creations, the Chimeras. The 'Beast Continent' is home to a wide variety of mammalian and avian beast folk, while the 'Scaled Continent' belongs to beast folk with scales and poisoned skin. On the hidden continent of Sauria, ancient dino-folk still hang on. The crystalline continent of the 'A.O. Homeland' lacks any 'true' sentient folk, for the Trolls would devour any that found their way here.
Included Locations
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