Fomorians Species in Alvez | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Fomorii are large, muscular bipedal humanoids, standing roughly between 2 and 3 meters in height. In basic morphology, they closely resemble the Bediz, possessing 2 arms and two legs with 5 digits each, including an opposable thumb on each hand.   A small, but significant subset of the Fomorrii, known as the Ríastrad have been physically and magically warped by the Bleed, resulting in more monstrous mutations. These individuals differ greatly from the standard Orkish Fomorian, possessing single arms, legs or cyclopean eyes. Hooves, horns and large, tumorous growths are also found on Ríastrad. These growths allow for incredible redistribution of muscular mass, greatly multiplying the physical strength of the individual. Others, such as the Birug-Derc

Ecology and Habitats

Fomorii typically settle areas along the coast or major rivers, allowing them to maintain their martime presence as traders, fishermen and raiders. As a result, few communities travel deep inland.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The fomorians consume a wide range of sustenance, relying on physical nourishment rather than Foyson. Meat, both fresh and cured, is a staple of the fomorian diet, where a large amount of smoked, fried and salted meat, as well as fresh cuts, are consumed regularly. Similarly, fish and other seafood is common, with salted cod being the staple on long sea voyages.   Other dishes include breads, porridge, berries and nuts.   Alcohol, in the form of mead, beer and fortified wine is commonly drunk in fomorian society, supplemented by imported spirits and drinks.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Fomorii are a seafaring culture, establishing their communities around coastal villages and ships, called félag. Individual clans typically operating with some level of autonomy, These may be called into service of a regional King, such as King Conand Blackcliff of Tevenn Du. These kings exercise limited legal powers, but can call in the chieftains of the lesser clans to aid the Kingdom in times of war and other circumstances, serving as the representative against other larger factions. In turn, the King settles disputes and collects taxes for the common good.   The Kings, in turn, are sworn to a High King, who represents all Fomorrii, both Orkish and Lost Peninsulars. The High King serves as the ultimate military and cultural leader of the Fomorii, but has lost some influence among continental entities.   Fomorri society consists of three classes. Thralls, a slave class, Karls, a freeman class, and Jarls, a noble class.   The lowest level of society are the Thralls, a slave class largely made up of prisoners taken in raids or warfare. Thralls are not restricted to the Fomorii, and can come from other races. Thralls experience some level of social fluidity, however, and could be freed at any time by their master. Freed thralls, as well as fomorian or half-fomorian children of thralls became a sub-class called Leysingi. While not slaves, they are bound to their master's estate in a manner similar to continental serfs, their votes, swords and taxes going to support the goals of their landowner. After 3 generations, a Leysingi line is severed from their master, becoming karls. The tradition of thralls has been gradually declining in fomorii society, and is almost unheard of on Kornôgel, but persists on the lands of the Mor Marv. Thralls take up about 25% of society in these Northern regions.   The majority of the population is made up of the karls, free peasants, typically engaged in agriculture or fishing. The highest level of society are the aristocratic jarls. There exist numerous intermediate positions, part of a robust social mobility hierarchy between karls and jarls.

Facial characteristics

Fomorii ears are similar in structure to the Bediz in size, smaller than those of other Fae peoples, tapering to a point.   A notable feature of the fomorii are a pair of tusklike teeth, protruding from the lower jaw.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The exact geographic origins of the Fomorii are lost to time, first appearing in Alvez near Gandvik in the Mor Marv. Sidhe tradition implies that they were an active force in Emain Ablach and the Fortunate Isles prior to the Tear.   The Fomorii quickly established themselves in the Orkney Isles and the Lost Peninsula, establishing a number of seafaring petty kingdoms and launching raids against Albia, the Fortunate Isles and the Northern Ar Mor of Kornôgel.   The Fomorii of Orkney proved adept at trade and sailing, establishing themselves as a formidable sea power rivaling the Tuatha de Danaan. Prolonged raids and the development of trade networks drove the Orkish to establish permanent settlements in Northern Albia and the Contentin Peninsula, which would eventually become the Duchy of Normaundi. While most settlements and activity are in the Northern regions. Orkish Formorii have a regular presence as far south as the Mor Kreizdouar, including settlements in the Golden Sea and as far West as Fjallkonan   The Formorii of the more isolated Lost Peninsula have been less active, with permanent settlements arising from those left behind in the War of the Erlking. Fomorii from this subgroup can be found in Arle and the Forest of the Erlking, but have a much smaller presence than their Orkish cousins.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Despite a long-running stereotype painting them as unkempt, unclean and dirty, the Fomorian people actually place a high cultural value on hygiene and physical cleanliness. The religion of the Fomorian places a high honor on death in combat, an end that would be overshadowed were a warrior to die from infection or illness brought about by unsanitary habits. The close-knit clan communities and tight quarters on long sea voyages furthers the necessity of cleanliness, and Fomorians actually bath regularly, maintain their tusks, teeth and claws and carefully wash and braid their hair with a number of dedicated brushes, tools and files.

Gender Ideals

Female Fomorii experience great freedom and authority in their culture. Women may inherit property and title, establish and operate businesses, choose their own habitation if unmarried and represent themselves in legal cases. While males are more traditionally sailors and warriors, there is little preventing a female Fomorian from establishing herself in these professions, with numerous women rising to the role of captain or even Karl.   Fomorian women are more commonly associated with child rearing, but maintenance of the household, hunting and cooking falls on both genders. Typically, one partner will remain home while the other sets out to sea as a raider, tradesman or fisherman. The majority of Fomorian women are húsfreyja, the "Women of the House", charged with maintaining the household and settlement while their partners are away on trade or war.

Courtship Ideals

Marriages are arranged by clan elders, with neither male or female partner having the opportunity to choose their own mate. A marriage was typically formalized by the payment of a mundr (bride-price) by the groom and a dowry is provided by the bride. Married women have the right to divorce and remarry.   Concubinage is common in Fomoriian society, with a role called the frilla, typically the mistress to a married individual of high social standing. This position allows for social advancement, but is less stable than that of a married partner. Their is no distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children, and both share the same inheritance rights.

Average Technological Level

The most notable and iconic technology of the Fomorii people comes in the form of their longships, shallow-draft seafaring vessels capable of traversing both the high seas and inland rivers, propelled by a combination of oars and sail. These vessels can be beached, allowing for easy and fast docking without the need for extensive harbour facilities. These ships are supplemented by larger, slower vessels primarily used for civilian trade, called Knarr. All Fomorian ships are designed to allow for sailing against, or independently of the wind, negating the magical advantages of the Tuatha de Danaan in using the Gaoithe Sidhe.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Unlike the Tuatha de Danaan, the Fomorri have developed a written language based on an alphabet of runic symbols, which has been adapted and adopted by other people's across Alvez, including the Sidhe and some Bediz cultures. With the loss of much of the writing of the Empire of Tarif, this alphabet has become the most widely used on Kornôgel. Written language is largely reserved for the educated classes, with the majority of the Fomorii operating at lower levels of literacy.

Common Dress Code

Long stereotyped as dirty and unkempt, based on interactions with war-batted soldiers or sailors after an arduous ocean crossing, Fomorii are actually quite hygienic, maintaining strict standards of personal grooming. Hair is regularly washed and braided in elaborate styles, clothing is maintained and jewelry is kept polished and clean. Teeth and claws are brushed regularly and kept free of dirt and grime.   Once relegated to furs and leather, Fomorri take advantage of their trade routes to obtain fine clothing from across the lands, including silks from Ubar and finely crafted jewelry from the fortunate isles.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Fomorian culture has become well known for its apparent emphasis on the sea and combat, renowned across the worlds for producing skilled sailors and fearsome warriors. In reality, however, the majority of the population lives as farmers, supporting a wider population of shipwrights, blacksmiths, traders and craftsmen.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Fomorii of Orkney utilize amber as currency, using clarity, size and quality to determine value. While may living on Kornôgel or trading with others may adopt local coinage, such as the Livre Tournais, amber is still widely accepted in most Fomorian settlements and among themselves. Amber is also sold to jewelers and alchemists in great quantities in exchange for more widely used currencies.   Fomorii are avid sportsmen, developing their own forms of wrestling, mock-combat and javelin throwing, as well as Knattleik, a ballgame similar to Eladan Hurling. Fomorii are also responsible for the creation of Tafl, a strategy game resembling chess.   Fomorians often carry a small runestone with their name written on it, typically in a small pouch, used for identification and trade. A Fomorian Thrall is not permitted to carry this stone themselves until they are granted freedom. Larger runestones describe the deeds of a great Fomorian or clan, serving as boundary markers similar to Kalvar.   Fomorii strive for a death in battle, achieving the best possible afterlife if this is done. Slain Fomorians are placed on their longships, or smaller facsimiles, with their possessions and the ship is set ablaze, the soul of the dead sailing the rising smoke to the great halls of the gods.

Common Taboos

Fomorri do not wear earrings, ear-caps, or other ear-based jewelry, viewing them as affectations of the "soft" Tuatha de Danaan.

Common Myths and Legends

Fomorii religion is predicated on an apocalyptic event, similar in greater in scale to the Tear.
Average Physique
Fomorii typically possess muscled builds and large frames, well-suited for physical labour and great strength.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Fomorii of Orkney typically possess a skin-tone of olive green, with individual shades being darker or lighter. This is the most common skin-tone, although blue, grey and dull brown hues have been observed in Fomorii of the Lost Peninsula and Arle.   Half-breed Fomorii skin tone typically is a mixture of those of their parents.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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