Evonian Republic Organization in Adar | World Anvil
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Evonian Republic

"And there we saw before us an Emerald shore emerging out of the mists that veiled the horizon. A great cheer rose up from our ship at the watchman's word; a cheer which was picked up by other crews, as word spread along the line of the fleet. 'Land!' they shouted, 'Land!' We all knew we were looking at our new home. Our journey was at its end.
— Recollections of the Expedition, by Junius Munius
  The Evonian Republic is the homeland of the elven people on the Material Plane. The island of Evonia was traditionally the homeland of the Orcs. However it was conquered by the elves in the 1st century IC. Since then the elves have established a prosperous republic, and extended the reach of their power far beyond their own shores. The Republic is recoqnized as one of the Great Powers of Adar. They dominate the sea, and command significant financial power.


The Evonian Republic is a direct democracy with a complex system of magistracies and assemblies both on the local and national level. Ambitious elven aristocrats are expected to follow the Cursus Honorum (the path of honour) by competing for the prestigious offices of state and attaining honour for themselves and their Gente. In the executive branch of government the major titles are as follows:   Consuls: The Centuriate Assembly electes two consuls each year. The consuls are the co-heads of state for their term of office. They are the leaders of the executive branch and lead the government in day to day affairs. They can propose legislation in the assemblies, and can veto legislation proposed by lower magistrates (except Tribunes) and their co-consul. They lead the discussions in the senate, and have limited authority over the various Praetors. They also have full authority over the Quaestors. Once an elf has serves as consul he may not stand for office again for a period of a full century. The consulship is the most prestigious magistracy in the Republic.   Praetor: The Centuriate Assembly elects one praetor each year alongside the consuls. There are eight Praetors in total, each responsible for a deparment of state. As such the Praetors are elected in a constant cycle, each one serving for eight years. The Praetors may propose legislation in the assemblies. However these are subject to the vetos of the Consuls and the Tribunes. Laws proposed by those magistrates also supersedes Preatorial legislation. Once an elf has serves as Praetor it is customary that they not stand for office again for fifty years.   Aedile: Aediles are elected by the Tribal Assembley. They are local officials responsible for the upkeep of public buildings and facilities, as well as the staging of public games and festivals. While not a mandatory part of the Cursus Honorum this position is highly sought after, as it is a surefire way to gain popularity with the people. The number of Aedils changes frequently, however there are normally more than a hundred. Aediles serve for a year at a time. Those who serve as Aediles do not need to wait before standing for further office, making the position even more popular.   Quaestor: The Quaestorship is the lowest of the ranks on the Cursus. These officials are responsible for aiding the Consuls and Praetors in their duties. This can include a great range of tasks. Quastors must be over 150 years old to be eligible for the office. Once an elf has served as Quaestor they may not stand for office again for twenty-five years.   Tribune of the People: The Tribune is a special position within the Republic. They are elected by the Tribal Assembly. Tribunes are tasked with protecting the general population against magisterial abuses of power, and to champion the concerns of the common people. Tribunes may propose laws to the assemblies, call for referenda, and veto all other magistrates (including other tribunes). Tribunes are considered personifications of the elven people. As such they are seen as sacred. The obstuction of tribunes, and violence towards them incurs the death penalty. In all there are ten tribunes at any one time, each serving for a single year. Someone who has served as tribune once may never do so again.   All who have held the offices of Consul, Praetor and Tribune has the right to sit in the Senate. An advisory body to the magistrates. The Senate has no official legislative power. However, since several hundred of the most powerful eleves in the Republic are members their advice is often heeded.


The Evonian Republic is founded on the principle of individual freedom and one's responsibility for one's own fate. While this leads elves to enjoy a great many liberties and little governmental interference in their lives, it also leads the government or other subsidiary organizations to offer little aid to elves in need.    The Evonian elves have a deep cultural hatred of kings. Some have suggested that this hatred is rooted in a deep seated cultural desire. Every elf is taught to strive for greatness, and to compete against each other for position and honour. It is said that "Every elf would be a king. Yet no elf could tolerate another as king". The fear of another elf becoming overmighty and subjegating all other elves is deep seated and viceral in the Republic. To be a king-killer is a great badge of honour. Those suspected of making a grab for tyranical power can be killed without trial by anyone. Statues gilded in gold of killers of kings are displayed in the central square in the Republic's capital at Axendria.    The Evonian elves often believe they are the only truly civilized nation in Adar. To them the Republic exists in a vast sea filled with barbarian kingdoms ruled by "blood tyrants" and inhabited by ignorant savages. Even elves who are more generously inclined find the fear of magic, which is common outside Evonia, strange. Magic is an integral part of life in the Republic. It is used in everything from cosmetic products to large-scale agriculture.    Elves do not generally worship gods. The most common religious philospohy is a deist one. Most think that the universe was set in motion by an "Architect" of some kind millions of years ago. They do not belive this force interfers in its creation any longer, or ever will again. They consider the "gods" of other cultures to be nothing more than powerful planar enteties, if they exist at all. Yet elves have some traditions which may be considered worship. Elves often venerate Lares. Fey spirits thought to represent certain virtues, or thought to be connected to specific locations or people. Elves often offer gifts to these spirits in the hopes of reciving good fortune in return.

Public Agenda

The agenda of the Republic can often be difficult to ascertain, due to its complex system of government and its lack of a single leader. Its foreign policy tends to change with the consuls.   In general the Evonians tend to seek to secure and expand their trade. They consistently seek to break up large empires and coalitions of countries, before they become powerful enough to threaten the security of Evonia itself. The Republic seeks to utterly destroy The Thousand Sails to put an end to Orcish ambitions to retake their ancient homeland.


The Evonian Republic lacks the manpower of the other Great Powers. Their strenght lies in their great financial power, their fleets, their skill in magic, and their highly disciplined armed forces to offset the manpower disadvantage.

Demography and Population

The total population of the Republic is uncertain. There are a great number of "guest workers" and extraplanar entities which have their home permanently in the republic, without ever being listed in a census. The total citizen population number more than six million.


The Republic maintains two "consular" armies of 20.000 men. There is also a militia for internal security and garrison purposes. The navy fields more than 300 ships, and employ many tens of thousands of sailors and support personel.

Foreign Relations

The Evonian Republic is one of the more hated countries in the world. Their republican system is often percieved as an existential threat by the monarchies of the world. Matters are not helped by the elves' patronizing style of diplomacy. The Republic is opposed nearly constantly by the Myzians and the Khandari. Entities opposed to these empires may count on the support of the Evonians as a matter of course, especially in terms of financial backing. The Northern League and The Alliance are amongst the Republic's most importante foreign "friends" at the moment.
Map of the Republic
Founding Date
12 IC
Geopolitical, Republic
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The Republic has several legislative bodies, which stand in a complex web of relations to each other. The most importante legislative assembly is the Tribal Assembly (known as a Tribunal Assembly when called by a Tribune). This is an assembly called to vote directly on specific laws proposed by Consuls, Praetors and Tribunes.  There is also the Centuriate Assembly, which is differently composed than the Tribal Assembly. This can legislate, however it rarely does for a variety of reasons.
Judicial Body
All trials are held in public, including disputes over the interpretation of laws. Generally the Praetors or the Aediles are responsible for organizing the trials.
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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