Zombie Cabins by Eula | World Anvil

Zombie Cabins

by Eula Dailey

Okay, the guys are still checking out some stuff. I thought they were coming up, but they aren't. They are checking out a hole. From my spot, I see a guy near the pulley system. Miles and Brad notice some new guys - they are looking at the hole. They new peeps are wearing working outfits. Henry and Reg are coming my way. I signal to them that maybe there are some people.
The two new guys come up to Brad and Miles. Miles shows his badge. Brad keeps walking. One guy runs up to the first hut. Carl comes back out. Miles asks them about strange dreams. They do some discussing with the foreman. They ask about the hole - they say that they were out doing a geological survey and looking for mineral deposits. They found a potential deposit of platinum so they are doing blasting. Henry turns back to the hole. Brad notes that there is a crystal at the bottom of the hole.
Miles makes up a bunch of stories. There is a bunch of stuff going on but I technically can't hear it. Carl gives them a tour of the buildings. Brad goes over to the locked shed. Henry is walking into the woods. Miles sees some maps. Lab equipment. Miles asks about their dreams.
Henry walks into the woods. He is looking to see where the pulley system goes. The pulley leads to a body of water.
Brad and Miles are with Jane. She was taken from a hide out in the middle of the night. Brian and Arthur are the other guys. The others are having crazy dreams. They mention artists. One guy said they would be come one with their new god. Arthur, the boy, doesn't say anything - he rocks back and forth.
Reg opens the door and yells in. Henry barrels right in. They get everyone untied. Everyone gets out.
Henry asks about the art students. Miles goes back in and opens the locked door. There are three zombies there. We burn down the cabin with zombies.
Brad shows Eula the crystal. I couldn't tell anything special about it.
Scott says the drag marks lead into the shed.
The guys want to go investigate. I am pretty almost dead so...
Second building is sleeping quarters. Food cabin/ kitchen. Storage hut. The front door to the hut slams behind the them. Miles and Brad are slammed into a room- looking for mineral samples. Scott and I make our way down to the area.
Miles and Brad hear footsteps -- Brad sees three people rush into the room. They are horribly decayed humans. Brad runs to the door. He is unhappy. The undead people look at Miles. Chanting. They tie them up and bring them into the room. They are bound up. The door then opens and Carl comes out. Lots of fighting.
Reg starts shooting people.

Continue reading...

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  17. Kracken for the McKrackens
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  19. The Journey's End
  20. The Devil Down Below
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  21. Sus Temples
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  22. The Church is on Fire
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  23. Time Change Woes
  24. Chaos
  25. Gloon's Dead
  26. Camp / Work Zone
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  27. Zombie Cabins
  28. We won?
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  29. New Adventures
  30. The Weird Town
  31. End of the Journey
  32. Missing Cousin Andrew
  33. The Sailor's Club
  34. Andrew is a what?
  35. Drunk Eula Scores
  36. Chaos!
  37. Burning Down the House
  38. Death First!
  39. Eula said Don't Do It
  40. Follow up - Crazy
  41. A new Adventure
  42. a little recon
  43. Well then.
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  44. The Journal Entry’s title
  45. Meh
  46. I read about it
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  53. WTF is that?
  54. well um
  55. Creepy Cthulhu Caves
  56. RIP Eula