Missing Cousin Andrew by Eula | World Anvil

Missing Cousin Andrew

by Eula Dailey

My second cousin Sarah Keatling calls about her brother Andrew who is missing. No idea where he is, distrusts the po-po. She would love for us to come over and talk to her. The Boston Keatlings are a quiet and conservative family. We go to Sarah's house - her mom and dad passed away several years ago. She and Andrew have been living in the family home. A few months ago he started hanging out with some young artists. He started hanging out with them more. She was hoping that he would revert to his normal self, but he didn't. He has been writing out checks to people she doesn't know. He invested in some paintings that are ghastly. The paintings are in the study. He claims they will be valuable. The paintings were purchased from the artist - Garsetti. He swears she will recognized as a modern-day master. Two weeks ago he went out and never returned.
Detective Sargent Patrick Devlin is the po-po in charge.
We get a photograph of Andrew.
She thinks that he went to the Boston Museum of Fine Art.
Study - three large paintings. Each of the three paintings has a small silver plaque - lower right-hand corner.
First Painting - The Dweller in the Void. Large humanoid person in a distorted field of color. Drawn to the hanging figure. Composed of twisted and tortured faces.
Second Painting - Silvan Night. A beautiful blonde woman is strewn across a stone. In the dark background, there are pine trees. Above the tree tops, there is a dark swirling mass. Something looks disturbing about the woman. The artist is Josephine Garsetti.
Third Painting - The Watching. Shows a solitary building. Mansion on the coast. Tiny red lights in the windows. Red points become a magnificent feature - The image turns into a gigantic being!
Bookshelf and other things in the room.
Bookshelf - Travel guide. Shipbuilding. Art books. Works of well-known masters. Henry and Miles find a note about pre-Raphael photo paper. On the desk, most of the drawers are unlocked. Stationary. Writing supplies. Boring. The lower right-hand drawer is locked. There are some notebooks and papers in the drawer. They are ledgers. Recently he has been importing Icelandic wool. Foreign language books. Canned European cuisine. Large checks were written to Josephine Garcetti. No address for Josephine.
Upstairs bedroom. Clothes and such. BOHEMIANS!
We do some research. Boston Museum. Sailor's Club. Detective Devlin. Library (newspaper)
Brad talks to his contacts in the police department. - Sailor's Club is located on Boston Harbor. Ill repute. Operate an illegal business.
Det. Devlin. He's a big man. A bandage on his left hand. He thinks that Sarah is dominating. We talk about Josephine Garcetti. Garcetti is the leader of the cult called the silvan night. They recently raided the cult - two weeks ago. He has six grainy photos of victims, bodies, and other details. Cause of death - dagger wound to throat. Post mortem mutilation via bites. The murders were a few weeks ago - within the past 2 years.
Sailors Club - Zeke Crater gangster in Boston area. Runs the drug and alcohol out of the Sailor's Club. Crater is sick and prolly dying. Unsure. His nickname the Geek is because he used to throw wild parties.
Boston Museum - Lots of paintings. We ask about Josephine.
Madeline DuMort. She says she puts paint on paper. Her paintings have never been seen in Boston. She studied painting at Boston University. She asked to have her art work shown. She knows Andrew - met him a year ago. Sailors Club - she thinks Josephine is a drug addict. Impressionist piece by Degas. Seems important. Random impressionist piece.
We eat lunch. Go to the library.
Boston University -
Sailor's Club - speakeasy.

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