I Know it was Real by Alanna | World Anvil

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20 Tarsakh 362

I Know it was Real

by Alanna Fanri

So many things in that Spire, I know most of them were illusions but that last one, it had to be real. It would explain so much if it was. The question becomes though, how long has Jin either been dead and being impersonated or how long has he been betraying us. I don't know which one it is but I know the entire organization of the White Striders has been compromised and yet I don't think anyone truly understands how severe it is. With all the chaos in the world right now, it might be too late before they realize how bad everything is.
Warforged going everywhere, Stonefort well it might as well be gone, and Meniscus raising up his army of dead... Of course they'd all not pay attention to the matters right under their noses.
Yet with all that is going on, all the problems in this world, I don't think anyone understands what I need to do. I wonder if they would even help... I had forgotten until the Spire, thought I would be okay, but I don't want to end up there....

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  1. Deepgate
    6th of Ches
  2. Disastrous Deepgate Adventure
    6th of Ches
  3. No One Understands
    9th of Ches
  4. Just a Normal Day
    10th of Ches
  5. What Were We Doing?
    11th of Ches
  6. The Oracle
  7. Completing the Crown of Night
    13th of Ches
  8. The Frozen King
    2nd Tarsakh
  9. The Week in Stonefort
    7th Tarsakh
  10. Returning Home to Selathyr
    12 of Tarsakh
  11. Is He Really this Stupid?!
  12. More then I thought
  13. Well That Didn't Go as Planned
    17 Tarsakh 362
  14. Writing on the Stone Slab
    18 Tarsakh 362
  15. What were they thinking?
    17 Tarsakh 362
  16. I Know it was Real
    20 Tarsakh 362
  17. Never Ending...
    23 Tarsakh 362
  18. What do I do?
    24 Tarsakh 362 (Before the Fight)