The Frozen King by Alanna | World Anvil

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2nd Tarsakh

The Frozen King

by Alanna Fanri

It was decided that Srot must be dealt with, upon hearing the news that the King of Stonefort is dead they may not be in a position to deal with the Frozen King. We were able to teleport into the Underdark city which we first encountered Srot with Al's help. Like the first time we had to destroy pillars which went faster this time due to splitting up into smaller groups. Al and I then went to the roof of the tower and proceeded to destroy the pillars up there, taking care of any enemies we came across.

The rest of the party joined us here and we were able to defeat the various undead and the dragon that tried to stop us. In that moment a portal opened, to which we all went through. This is where we met IIdaris, General Rime, and Archmage Vexas, who were undead and they were able to open a portal to where Srot was.

Upon entering we found ourselves in a throne room and Srot on his throne. He talked to us like he knew all of us and changed his form to something he thought we would all recognize, a male high elf. None of us knew who he was or what he was even talking about on some of the things he said. With the conversations not really going anywhere a battle began and he was defeated. During the battle, Revan used his scythe again, while it didn't turn on us again, I don't trust him. After the battle it was discovered that Srot was using one of the Points of Power, the Philosopher's Stone, to which is now in Hawkwheat's possession. Al and I then returned to the Whitestider base.

(Dialogue of Srot before combat)

"Welcome, honored guests to the grand city of Kyfer, The Hearth of the North and the Boreal Crown."
Walking down off his throne a few steps, he holds out his arms, "Magnificent is it not? I know it is perhaps not to what it was before, however, I am nearly finished carving out my new kingdom in your plane. Just as our agreement had been before."
He steps down farther walking in front of each of you as he makes eye contact, "Like an old reunion isn't it? I know I must look different since last we intersected, the whole lich thing really isn't my cup of tea, much harder to entertain guests when they are staring into your body whenever their eyes wander." He snaps his fingers up in front of Al, "Try not to stare please, this is a place of proper manners. So keep your mischievous tendencies at bay."
Stepping over to Hawkwheat, and rubs his forehead before smiling down at the mousefolk, "I can probably guess what you are upset about, you don't like the curse do you? I suppose it has been long enough and your people may have changed their minds by now. So, I suppose, in spite of the crowd you brought with you, would your people join under the Boreal Crown or remain in accursed exile? I really do hope we can find a mutual benefit for both of our kin. How about a deal, I remove the curse on your people, and they will be safe and cared for. And in return, I need you to give me Beckett's location. Easy, no strings attached, we both get what we want."
"I should have known you weren't going to want to listen, especially since Beckett sent his Maiden of Destruction." He looks over at Inara with a resented gaze, "No one, sends an immolator of millions to make a fair peace treaty. The only monster here is you."

Continue reading...

  1. Deepgate
    6th of Ches
  2. Disastrous Deepgate Adventure
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  3. No One Understands
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  4. Just a Normal Day
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  5. What Were We Doing?
    11th of Ches
  6. The Oracle
  7. Completing the Crown of Night
    13th of Ches
  8. The Frozen King
    2nd Tarsakh
  9. The Week in Stonefort
    7th Tarsakh
  10. Returning Home to Selathyr
    12 of Tarsakh
  11. Is He Really this Stupid?!
  12. More then I thought
  13. Well That Didn't Go as Planned
    17 Tarsakh 362
  14. Writing on the Stone Slab
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  15. What were they thinking?
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  16. I Know it was Real
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  17. Never Ending...
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  18. What do I do?
    24 Tarsakh 362 (Before the Fight)