Indigo Diomedea

Indigo is a Sea Elf druid in love with sailing and ships. She keeps appearing on ships she has taken a shine to and barters her abilities as a healer and weather reader into board and lodging. Since she likes to "adorn" a ship with paintings and amulets of dubious effectivity and communication with her tends to be cryptic - she speaks Common well enough, but speaks in riddles and uses flowery descriptions for the simplest things - her time on a ship is often cut short when the crew gets too wary of their loony healer.

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Seventh Day of Yearning Wind, later in the day

A Town and a Dragon

by Indigo Diomedea

I have left the land-dwelling tree keeper.
It meant I had to go back into the town of Saltmarsh, for there were both my shipmates and the statue that acts as anchor for the Black Hunger. I tried to ask the people, who were fussing over a bit of metal near the statue, why they would put a thing like that in the place where they live - but they were not very forthcoming with their answers. It seems they do not understand what I am talking about. This language of theirs is very limited in its ability to explain complex metaphysics, but is that my fault?
One human claimed to be able to tell me more and asked me to follow him into a building. There he kept speaking in ridiculously vague terms and then grabbed a needle of a brine-marching-sleep-killer. The audacity! I struck him with a wave of air and thunder and to my chagrin hit Flick who coincidentally was behind a door that was blown off its hinges.
I need to apologize for that.
Flick is very good at making the land-dwellers his friends, though, and he calmed everybody down. One of his new friends is Alad and he might work as a translator between what I need to convey to the people of this city and the limited minds of said people. I admit I am getting frustrated with this place already. I wish we could just leave, but the Ship, she is broken, Eostra-Captain has business somewhere here with I know not whom and I have taken the fight against the Black Hunger on as my duty.
I am also afraid we might need to go deeper into land. There was a thread of darkness tying the statue to something further up the earthen waves. I will talk to Flick. He will know what to do. He is wise, our little dragon.

Indigo's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Black Hunger From the Deep
    Azure Sea, Fifth day of Yearning Wind
  2. Black Hunger Rising
    Seventh Day of Yearning Wind
  3. A Town and a Dragon
    Seventh Day of Yearning Wind, later in the day

The major events and journals in Indigo's history, from the beginning to today.

A Town and a Dragon

I have left the land-dwelling tree keeper. It meant I had to go back into the town of Saltmarsh, for there were both my shipmates and the statue that acts as anchor for the Black Hunger. I tried to ask the people, who were fussing over a bit of metal ...

02:13 pm - 15.06.2019

Black Hunger Rising

We are in Saltmarsh. I do not like land that is so undecided about where it ends and where water begins, but Eostra-Captain knows this place and the Ship of the Line was heading towards it, so we hardly had a choice. I do not like not being able to ch...

11:47 pm - 02.06.2019

Jaggerjaws gave me of his food. How strange! Also, he knew raw pompano - toothless hunter of quick waters - is one of my favourites. And no, I do not mind the fact he ate part of it before making it a gift. It means he knew what he was gifting. So thoughtful!

12:08 pm - 02.06.2019

Black Hunger From the Deep

She is aching. The Ship. Cold Breath of the Deep had her surrounded in the Dawntide Hours. We were moving sluggishly. Then, thunder and roaring. A battle was fought nearby and we saw a Dwarven Ship take flight. They are built to sink, float if luck is...

06:39 pm - 26.05.2019

Today's wind is breath-of-the-south. It calms the ship. No, not becalm. It is a wind! Not silence of all spirits. But She is soothed and moves among the waves gracefully, an albatross on the wing.

10:46 am - 22.05.2019

Indigo joins the ranks of Heroes!

Indigo enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

10:43 am - 22.05.2019
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