Mourning Desert Geographic Location in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil

Mourning Desert


The Mourning Desert covers a good chunk of the Eastern half of the continent of Austra. It touches the Luminous Sea to the North and the Ash Sea to the Southwest. It is mostly flat, with gentle rolling hills created by moving sand, and some mountains.

Localized Phenomena

Sometimes, a deep fog seems to roll across sections of the Mourning Desert. This fog totally obscures all visibility, and causes most people to hear strange sounds akin to crying or howling. This is how the desert got its name.


The Mourning Desert can reach temperatures meeting or exceeding 125*, with nights dropping into the cool 50s. It is, in the way of deserts, dry most of the time, with a rainy season that powers the rest of the year. all brings a fairly severe storm season, which can bring flash floods to low-lying areas.

Fauna & Flora

Species who thrive here are adept at finding water in unusual places and storing resources, and mainly nocturnal or crepuscular. There are few large mammals but many small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects. Plant life is by necessity hardy to long spells of drought, with many species of cactus and succulent and the like.

Natural Resources

The Empire mainly uses their ownership of the Mourning Desert for it's resources; mostly mining clay and metals.


There is, as one might expect, no tourism really in the Mourning Desert. In fact, nobody really goes into it except to get to the other side. And if they do, everyone else probably has questions.

Mourning Desert

Location under
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species
Header image by Walid Ahmad on Pexels.


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