Noderyn Species in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil

Noderyn (node-rin)

Basic Information


Noderyn are a nocturnal avian species that can be loosely compared to a giant owl. They have an average wingspan of 7m/23 feet and stand roughly the height of an average human when on the ground. They have the broad, relatively short wings of birds designed for passive soaring. While most of their bones are the spongy, air-filled type that make birds efficient flyers, they have solid bones strategically placed to support their massive weight, such as their legs and some major bones in the main torso.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mature female noderyn lay 2-5 eggs every 10 or so years, which must be incubated for about 60 days. She will lay the first egg and then lay subsequent eggs anywhere from a couple of days to a week later, but will incubate the nest from the time the first egg is laid. This results in asynchronous hatching. Once all of the eggs are laid, mated pairs share incubation and nesting responsibilities.  

The noderyn are a sister species to the Haderyn, but while hybrids are a myth, there are no reliable accounts of them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Noderyn eggs hatch at almost exactly 60 days after being laid, with a deviance usually of only about 24-36 hours. The young, called nodelets, are born very small and featherless, covered instead in fine warm down. The females are considered the fiercer hunters, so once eggs begin to hatch the male noderyn will usually take over almost exclusive incubation responsibilities, keeping the unhatched eggs and nodelets warm while the female feeds the entire family, until 6-8 weeks after hatching, when the nodelets have developed a second warmer down coat. During this time the father will also tear all food into small bites or partially digest and regurgitate it for the nodelets. Around 6-8 weeks the young are old enough to begin tearing the food themselves, and both parents will resume hunting and protection duties. Between 8 weeks and six months, the young will slowly become more mobile and independent, as well as rapidly gaining in size. At six months, they are considered fledglings and will develop their first set of feathers. They might make their first short flights around seven months, and be quite capable of short-range explorations by eight months, at which time the parents will begin in earnest to teach them hunting and flying skills. Noderyn fledglings stay with their parents for at least a year, but never after the parents begin to incubate a new clutch.

Ecology and Habitats

Noderyn are most often found in the Mourning Desert of eastern Austra or the surrounding savannahs. They build ground or cliff-side nests depending on the available terrain, and will hunt anything they can carry.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Noderyn are carnivores by choice and omnivores by necessity. They will eat anything they can take down, though they prefer prey they can bring back to their nests to consume. There is also a distinct preference towards non-predator prey. In lean times they are known to forage berries, fruits, and fungi. They are nocturnal hunters.


Noderyn are fairly territorial, especially to non-related individuals. It takes a lot to feed a bird of this size in the desert, so they are fairly protective of their territory, especially when mated and planning for a family. Mated birds will drive strange birds out of their territory. However, the territories of unmated birds or family-linked birds will overlap without issue, and unmated siblings are known to share territories.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Usually, noderyn are found existing as a mated pair or a single individual. However, bonded pairs who live together and choose never to mate (including same-sex pairs), mated groups of three, and sibling groups living together are not uncommon.


Noderyn can be 'domesticated' in the way of any other bird of prey - raising them from before they can fly, being completely aware that they might kill you at any time, feeding them plenty, and acknowledging they may never come back from any flight. It is rarely attempted by anyone except by those who have the ability to communicate telepathically or those who can use magic to make the tasks easier. Unlike other birds, though, a well-treated noderyn might eventually become a loyal companion in their own right, not just a glorified prisoner.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Noderyn feathers are valuable as magic components as well as novelty and decoration. Noderyn eggshells are also prized as a magic compenent.

Average Intelligence

They are fairly intelligent and while they cannot speak, are known to be able to recognize some spoken language and grasp medium difficulty concepts if spoken to mind-to-mind.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a nocturnal predatory species, noderyn have excellent nightvision and hearing.

Quick Look

7m/23 feet
50-100 Years
Conservation Status
Uncommon, Not Endangered
Average Height
4'11' to 5'11
Average Weight
200-300 lbs (90-130kg)
Average Length
10-12 feet
Geographic Distribution
Where to Find
Eastern Austra


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