Unofficial MapVember Challenge!

grab the badge!
MapMaster Badge
by WordiGirl
grab the badge!

Prosateur Badge

by WordiGirl

grab the badge!

What is Unofficial MapVember?

  Most years, in November, people look forward to a multitude of creative projects. There's NaNoWriMo for the writers, and there's WorldEmber prep for the worldbuilders. There was MapVember for a couple of years, but, this year, we noticed it was missing. After a few people from Infinite Imaginations prompted me, I decided to make an UnofficialMapVember challenge!

How does it work???

Simply map out a place, in word or image, and share it anywhere on socials or on the WorldAnvil website using #UnofficialMapVember! There are thirty prompts, one for every day of the month, but you only have to complete at least one to be counted as a participant. If you'd like a badge, share your work with me (WordiGirl) by commenting with the link to your entry below.

Who can participate??

Map it or not, everyone is welcome to join! Write in and about different locations all around your project, draw a picture from a place, or, most traditionally, draft up a map! Bonus points if you make a map using DungeonFog!
cohost read boi.gif
2023's UnofficialMapVember prompts are centered around three topics:   Where you do things, Where you find things, & Where you feel things   If you are participating in NaNo, be sure to write about these locations and share the scene as your entry everywhere using #UnofficialMapVember!


Cartographer Badge

You've won the
Cartographer Badge if:

You drafted up a map of a location based on at least one of the prompt words
Created an image set in a location based on at least one of the prompt words.
  Copy code to display wherever you'd like!
Prosateur Badge
by WordiGirl

Prosateur Badge

You've won the
Prosateur Badge if:

You wrote a scene set in a location based on at least one of the prompt words.
Described a location based on at least one of the prompt words.
  Copy code to display wherever you'd like!
MapMaster Badge
by WordiGirl

Map Master Badge

You've won the
Map Master Badge if:

You used DungeonFog's online software to make a map of a location based on at least one of the prompt words.
  Copy code to display wherever you'd like!

Entries can be presented in absolutely any fashion you please! This could be embedded within any article template on World Anvil, drawn up in a Google Doc, or even just uploaded into a social media post. However you decide to go about it, make sure it is available for the public to view and paste the link in the comments below so that I can check it out! If you'd like to be featured in this article as an entry, or if you are interested in me going over your awesome creations on my Twitch streams, don't hesitate to let me know!




Written List

UnofficialMapVember 2023   Where you do things: 1. eat, 2. sleep, 3. play, 4. fight, 5. love, 6. work, 7. learn, 8. grow, 9. speak, 10. move   Where you find things: 11. keys, 12. pet, 13. valuables, 14. clothes, 15. answers, 16. words, 17. direction, 18. bargain, 19. courage, 20. hope   Where you feel things: 21. fear, 22. joy, 23. sorrow, 24. anger, 25. cold, 26. heat, 27. shock, 28. nostalgia, 29. urgency, 30. relief

2023 Entries



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Nov 3, 2023 08:36

This is why our community is so awesome! If you dont mind I will probably be dropping this article block in my WE prep article. I may be able to bend a few of my WE prep things to fit some of these.

Updated soon.
Nov 3, 2023 10:50

Here is a link to what I am doing.

Updated soon.
Nov 3, 2023 12:16 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

awww neat! thanks so much for the feature! I'm glad you found the challenge quite grand and I plan to unveil badges soon!

Feb 4, 2024 23:12 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 3, 2023 14:26 by TJ Trewin

AWESOME!! I just spotted this on drunkenpanda's article!! Thanks Wordigirl :D I'll give this a go along with my WorldEmber prep homework

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 3, 2023 19:05 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)
Nov 7, 2023 19:06 by TJ Trewin

It's official! I'm feeling inspired by drunkenpanda's article and am also enjoying the Deck of Worlds :D   I've put the writing snippets for these in the image descriptions, so if you want a read just click any of the pictures! Thanks so much for hosting this challenge WordiGirl :D  

TJ's Mapvember 2023 Progress
Meta | Mar 19, 2024

Mapping out some ideas for WorldEmber and taking part in Wordigirl's Unofficial Mapvember challenge!

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 9, 2023 11:54 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)
Feb 4, 2024 23:13 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Mar 19, 2024 18:12 by TJ Trewin

Thank youuu! <3

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 3, 2023 23:20 by Mochi

I love this so much!! Can't wait to spruce up my world with some epic landmarks :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 4, 2023 16:01 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

awesome! Glad you found it helpful and exciting! <3

Nov 4, 2023 03:13

okie! Count me in :3

Nov 4, 2023 16:01 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)
Feb 4, 2024 23:20 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 5, 2023 16:20

I am having a BLAST with these prompts! I'm continuing to update this post throughout the month:   All the watercolor maps are my own! My husband keeps laughing at me for having so many paints spread out across our living room!!

Nov 5, 2023 20:51 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

that's amazing! Well done! You're such a great artist and, boy, have you been busy lol. SO many prompts done already!

Nov 6, 2023 17:33

Omg you are too kind <3 <3

Feb 4, 2024 23:21 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 5, 2023 16:44

Did my first #UnofficialMapVember article for prompt 22 (Joy):   I'll probably make a page to collect these and post that later, but wanted to share the first one I wrote.

Nov 5, 2023 20:52 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Way to go! :D thanks for sharing!

Feb 4, 2024 23:21 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 6, 2023 10:18

Love this so much. Thank you for putting this together. Please find an #UnofficalMapVember entry for Gokrenxia at

Now playing: Summer Camp 2024!   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Nov 9, 2023 11:54 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

oooo interesting. thanks so much for sharing! <3

Nov 17, 2023 10:00

Second entry, a map of a Tavern in Arden's Rest (created with DungeonDraft):

Now playing: Summer Camp 2024!   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Nov 19, 2023 11:10

And for the "prosatuer" badge, I finally finished the associated episode of Tales of the Inner Council. It can be found at:

Now playing: Summer Camp 2024!   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Nov 19, 2023 18:43

Okay. Sorry for the deluge of links! I've added an official #UnofficialMapVember Hub page to track the things I'm submitting, if you'd like to include that (instead of the concept art page): Can't thank you enough for sponsoring this challenge!

Now playing: Summer Camp 2024!   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Nov 20, 2023 09:00 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

this is awesome! I will totally replace it! <3 I appreciate you doing this for simplicity!

Jan 1, 2024 14:30

Silly question Wordigirl. How do we get the badge added to our profile?

Now playing: Summer Camp 2024!   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Jan 22, 2024 02:05 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! So sorry. I literally have over 1,000 notifications now. I still need ot OFFICIALLY wrap up this UNOFFICIAL challenge, but since it is not an official World Anvil challenge, the badges won't appear on your profile automatically. You'll have to copy the image tags and embed them into your profile or wherever else you'd like them displayed. I'm going to try to get those together. Thank you for your patience. In the meantime, feel free to download the picture and upload it into your own world and then you can display it anywhere. But I really need to get those tags set. Hopefully by the time you see this message, I will have done it.

Feb 4, 2024 23:19 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Feb 4, 2024 23:43

No worries! Thanks so much for this cool challenge and the amazing badges!

Now playing: Summer Camp 2024!   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Nov 12, 2023 04:43

Hi. Couldn't resist #UnofficialMapVember article for prompt 4 (fight).

Nov 15, 2023 09:57 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

ah! thanks for entering. I'll check it out as soon as I can. ;)

Feb 4, 2024 23:19 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 13, 2023 14:09

Took some time, but I'm finally done with one article and its corresponding map - the prompt of my choice was relief and you can find the map and the corresponding story here:

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Nov 15, 2023 09:56 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

oooh! I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for sharing! :)

Feb 4, 2024 23:19 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 15, 2023 00:35

This one's been floating around for a while but your prompts helped in bringing it out.  

Neverending Forest
Geographic Location | Nov 15, 2023

Nov 15, 2023 09:55 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

awesome! glad the challenge could be a bit of inspiration. <3

Feb 4, 2024 23:18 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 15, 2023 01:12

Finally! The plans for the plans are here*! I like the way my mind is working in relation with this, to bad that I'm so slow when anything involving graphics hahaha. I was waiting to have at least a floor or something before sharing, but I got impatient!   (I mean here:

Nov 15, 2023 09:53 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

nice! Funny how the mind works sometimes. But, I'll be sure to check out your entry! <3

Feb 4, 2024 23:18 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 15, 2023 03:11 by Jacqueline Yang

Oh, gosh. I'm so late. I completely forgot about this, but I will do my best to get at least five done before the end of the month.   Can't wait to write these prompts!

Nov 15, 2023 09:52 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

I'm late myself, so don't worry. Much success with your plans! Also, remember that you only need one entry for the badge!

Nov 15, 2023 12:19

Fab set of prompts! I'm new to world-building and this is such a fun and inspiring challenge to get started. Thank you for setting it up!

Generic article | Nov 28, 2023

Using the #UnofficialMapVember challenge prompts to create a sketch map of a key location in my world - The Dome city.

Nov 16, 2023 05:42 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

wonderful! I'm glad it has inspired you! I love the setup of your article, by the way <3 Much success on your new worldbuilding journey!

Feb 4, 2024 23:17 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 19, 2023 14:30 by Sylvain R.

Here is my response to the #UnofficialMapVember challenge (prompt 4: fight). I wanted to take part in this awesome challenge, even though I wrote it in French :

Nov 20, 2023 09:07 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Ne vous inquiétez pas de la langue dans laquelle vous l'avez écrit ! Merci beaucoup d'avoir participé au concours ! Que Dieu te bénisse <3 (Je connais un peu le français, mais j'ai définitivement fait appel à un traducteur pour cela. J'espère que cela a du sens pour vous !)

Feb 4, 2024 23:16 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Salut. La vie a été un peu un tourbillon, je m'en excuse. J'ai ajouté le bbcode pour coller les badges il y a quelque temps, mais j'ai oublié de mettre à jour les gens. Désolé! Votre entrée doit être intégrée dans l'article et vous devriez pouvoir copier et coller les badges où bon vous semble maintenant. Merci de votre patience et j'apprécie votre participation une fois de plus !

Nov 28, 2023 06:49 by Michael Chandra

Put together four articles:

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Nov 30, 2023 03:44 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)
Nov 30, 2023 03:50 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

if possible, could you please provide me with the block code for your book cover category? if not, no worries. I'll try to link otherwise.

Nov 30, 2023 08:20 by Michael Chandra

Sure! Just put square brackets around this bit: book:dea3488b-53a3-4238-851d-789db7f87151

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Feb 4, 2024 23:16 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 28, 2023 09:07

Hi wordi, slightly late but I managed to make a map (cold prompt). The southern-most landmass of Resai: Caeldir Dramendros

Nov 30, 2023 03:44 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

very interesting and don't worry about being late! I am late to my own challenge lol. Do you happen to have a map embed code for this? I would love to embed it in the article. If not, no worries. I can simply link it. I appreciate you entering once again. Have a blessed one!

Nov 30, 2023 04:53

Ah forgot about that. here it is [map//:e42f7c17-da25-45b8-8cd6-5bb379cc6cfd] just remove the // :)

Feb 4, 2024 23:15 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. For some reason, the embed isn't showing on my end? Perhaps you posted the wrong code or have since deleted the map? Even the link redirects to your world's homepage. Uncertain of exactly what went wrong. If you have an update, feel free to let me know. If not, don't worry about it at all. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Nov 30, 2023 16:07 by Mardrena Lockehart

Age of Defiance Wordigirl's Unofficial Mapvember 2023 Entry
Generic article | Jan 4, 2024

The city itself is roughly 3000sq miles, so 750x750mi not counting the surrounding Lonesteads. My logic was that if Texas can fit 3-4 Finlands then Bainshaebo needs to fit 3-4 Houstons.

Bringing in the rear! Better late than never I suppose! I find it ironic I finished this so late when I was one of the ones who wanted a mapvember challenge and WA didn't have one planned, but had so much on my plate I had to juggle. Props to WG for stepping in! I hope you like it!

Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
Feb 4, 2024 23:13 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

Dec 1, 2023 02:20 by Melissa

My very last-minute entries! I've made two Metro-style Maps for the plots I hope to write for my first novel, The Heart of The Half-Dragon. Both maps are focused on Where You Love, Where You Find Hope, and Where You Find Courage. Thanks for hosting this great challenge! I don't know if I would been motivated to map out these storylines in this manner otherwise.   (spoiler tags hide both maps)

Feb 4, 2024 23:13 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, I apologize. I added the bbcode for to paste badges a while ago but forgot to actually update people. Sorry! Your entry should be embedded in the article and you should be able to copy and paste the badges wherever you please now. Thank you for your patience and I appreciate you entering once again!

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