Thazerick of the Twisted Winds Character in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil

Thazerick of the Twisted Winds

Thazerick is a Lord of Change, a demon lord in the service of Tzeentch.   Thazerick gained his title for his love of flying, skill in aerial combat, and a preference for using flying minions. Like most Lords of Change, is a powerful wizard and a true force to be reckoned with.   Like many of Tzeentch's brood, Thazerick loves playing mind games with his foes. He views Slann as the ultimate ordered minds to be the greatest challenge and dreams of subverting Slann minds above all else.   Thazerick was one of the four Daemon generals who assaulted Mount Klodor during the initial mass invasion of Daemons into the Old World (the Great Cataclysm). He was destroyed by Slann Lord Izzatal towards the end of the Great Cataclysm.   It took Thazerick longer to reform than most and this made him bitter towards Lizardmen in general and the Lizardmen of Klodorex in particular. He will attack anyone in the mortal plane when he can enter the mortal plane but he is always on the look out for rifts between the Chaos Realm and Lustria or the Southlands.   Along with the Keeper of Secrets, Darfiel of the Dark Mirrors, Thazerick attempted an elaborate scheme to make the Slann of Klodorex mentally self destruct inside a mental prison with an unsolveable riddle making Thazerick one of the two main antagonists of the novellete The Orphaned Temple City. This backfired when the Slann turned the tables on him and Darfiel.   He remains in the mortal plane, but powerless to act, sealed in a cave inside the Biting Bogs. It's unclear whether the Slann plan to keep him there forever or if they are plotting to destroy him forever somehow.   He was one of two main villains in the novellete The Orphaned Temple City and was mentioned in passing in other pieces.


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