Elir-Otrinax Character in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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The End; God-Eater Otrinax; Duskscape Regent of Vengeance, Consumption and Draconic Supremacy

Elir-Otrinax is the Duskscape Regent of calamity, vengeance, consumption and draconic supremacism. It has carried hundreds of titles across many planes, over many thousands of years, among them The End, God-Eater Otrinax, the Apocalypse that Speaks, the Upside-Down God, the Elder, the God Who Waits and the Wyrm of Annihilation.

Alongside Tallari-Anaviri-Irallat (often simply "Tallari") and Jabberwock, it is one of three Draconic Gods worshipped on Waking Materia. Its arrival on Materia in the Upper Middle First Age sparked a series of devastating conflicts known as The Dragon Wars.

The God-Eater is currently imprisoned deep within Materia's crystal core by Tallari, deep beneath the Yawning Spiral which is in turn hidden beneath the Mazes of Oloraan, on the western reaches of the Skylands. The Sphinx God's elite paramilitary, the Dragon Knights of Tallarax, are tasked with monitoring its stasis, among other things.

Elir-Otrinax's alignment is Chaotic Evil.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Elir-Otrinax Image Gallery (External)
The Wyrm of Annihilation is usually portrayed as a colossally large ancient black dragon with three heads. Unlike the feathered Tiam-Anzu native to Materia, it is a "true dragon", native at least to some Far Umbral realm, if not beyond even the dreaming layers of reality.  


Imprisoned deep beneath the subterranean Mazes of Oloraan in the far-eastern reaches of the Skylands, the Upside Down God's whisperings are only heard by the deepest cthonic races. Due to this "bleeding through" of its anger and avarice, Otrinax has become the lead deity of the darkness-aspected wayangs and shadow-aspected svirfneblin. Cults also exist among a the drow and a small minority of dwarves, who believe it will lead an invasion to colonize and subjugate the Skylands, then the Great Overdark. Though their motivations are more complex, leading these cults are visiting demons and estrié of the Near Umbra, who take advantage of the near-absence of the Veil that normally separates the two realms.

Those who ascend high enough among Otrinax's mortal swords become warped, lizard-like mutants called kobolds: this phenomenon is similar if not identical to other Aspected individuals, though it is not from birth. They are led by a winged subgroup known as the Maharra. Kobold blackguards of Elir-Otrinax are called Charok'du'rek, which translates approximately to "Foedevourers". They are elite hunters that work independently of the Elder's skirmisher hordes, seeking particularly powerful or influential opponents to kill and ritually consume, this adding to Elir-Orinax's ghostly army of slave-soldiers when he awakens to conquer the surface world. This practice of soul consumption also makes Otrinax a hated enemy of the Death God Overshepherd Rom.  


Elir-Otrinax's primary Domain is Wyrmkin. Its secondary domains are Might, Destruction, Fire, Darkness and Void.  

Favoured Weapon

Elir-Otrinax's favoured weapon is the war flail. Its Relic flail is the Ex-Arg-Du-Rosh.  


In a series of conflagrations collectively known as The Dragon Wars, The Elder and its draconic followers wrought unimaginable havoc on the First Empires of Man before enough gods—particularly with the help of the Sphinx God Tallari-Anaviri-Irallat—were able to coordinate an adequate response. Divided, the local gods were no match for such a being, and indeed its list of casualties included over a dozen Waking deities:


The Darkest Decade

See also: The Darkest Decade. Worshippers of Elir-Otrinax believe Materia's skies were blotted out by the smoke and ash of the God of Apocalypses punishing a neighbouring plane for insufficient deference. This is one example where a church's mythology explicitly mentions the existence of other planes within the Void.  

Third Age Materia

Having caught the dwarven civilizations of Oloraan by surprise, Elir-Otrinax's monstrous worshippers, often called the Deep Cults, have overrun the Mazes and may be eyeing the surface lands in turn. Only two small diasporas of Oloraan dwarves remain: one lives among the Skylands Arakh tribes, the other has become the newly-canonized Oloro Clan of Marai, for now a vassal clan to the Matsunagayama. The Deep Cults are also responsible for the extinction of a small, isolated civilization of Chelicerans, who refused to join their fold.

Art credit: Spaghetti Bastard
Banner art credit: Vyrosk

Cover image: by Vyrosk
Character Portrait image: by Spaghetti


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