Emeralda Organization in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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Emeralda is a large and populous canton on the far east-central penninsula of Khayyam, one of several federated sultanates that dot the continent's Voidward shores. It is the closest city to the eastern continent of Marai, and the headquarters of the Khayyamite Trade Council that oversees politics with their still-wary former enemies to the east. Thanks to the increasing profitability of Maraian trade, assisted by increased nautical exploration as the Sunken Expanse recedes and its demonic weather phenomena weaken, Emeralda has grown to become the second-largest sultanate in Khayyam save for Typha. That said, the Council allows members from any city-state so long as they meet its strict criteria for entry, including a large initial investment and regular submitted publications on trade innovation.

Relatively sheltered from the apocalyptic devastation of the Deluge, the canton is home to some of the most impressive and intact examples of ancient Alanthian architecture on the plane; some of the finest examples of Waking city planning, aquaculture, building materials, sewage, et cetera were reverse engineered from ruins found in Emeralda. There can be little argument the most important of these discoveries was a decayed but largely intact Alanthian printing press, allowing Second Age Khayyamites to be the first Waking culture to rediscover the printed word.  


  See also: Khayyam Image Gallery (External)  


The ancient name 'Emeralda' combined with surrounding fields of petrified wood suggest the region may once have been connected to the Antediluvian Emerald Expanse, now only located on the western reaches of Marai continent and some islands of the Kula'Wongai.

Banner art credit: Dela Neve
Geopolitical, City-state

Cover image: by Dela Neve


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