Yasnan Calendar Tradition / Ritual in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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Yasnan Calendar

The Yasnan Calendar is the most widespread system of organizing days on the plane of Waking Materia. It is based on the concept of the "Average Seasonal Period (ASP)" or "Year", which is the average amount of time a given season (spring, summer, autumn and winter) lasts on Materia. This number has variants across the plane, but the most widely used number is 365 days, as calculated by Yasna Edea Zageznatir, head Skyseer and Void Navigator under the ancient Lich King Inum'indiron'aravaut and the namesake of this calendar.

Though some calendars use full, four-seasonal Cycles as units, or 1,460 days (365 days x 4 seasons), the Yasnan calendar opts to use 365-day Years instead for greater resolution.  

Yasnan Dates

Dates are usually stated one of two ways: the number of ASPs/years after the arrival of the First Empires of Man, or the number of years after the catastrophic, plane-spanning Deluge. They are annotated "I.M. #" (Intra-Merantha, denoting dominance of Meranthic civilization) and "P.D. #" (Post-Deluvium, or after the Deluge) respectively. As the Deluge happened about I.M. 2850, one can easily convert between the two by adding or subtracting 2,850 years.

If a writer wishes to express a date prior to these events, it is written "A.M. #" (Ante-Merantha) and "A.D. #" (Ante-Deluvium). It is for this reason events prior to the Deluge are sometimes referred to as "AnteDiluvian".

The Author will generally use "A.M." and "I.M." in these articles.  

Major Ages

A general summary of the major eras of Material history are as follows.

??? — 0 I.M.. The Morning Era. Some unknown thousands—perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands—years wherein Materia had not yet been colonized by Meranthic Man. An unknowable amount of indigenous civilizations rise and fall.

0 I.M. — 80 I.M.. The Early First or Egwithian Era. Represents the first 80 years after the arrival of the First Extraplanar Empire, named after their home plane of Egwain.

80 I.M. — 611 I.M.. The Middle First or Tassalite Era. Represents the years after the arrival of the Insurgent demigods to counter the Colonial demigods of the First Empire. Named after insurgent V'Shaat al-Avra's home plane of Tassalit.

612 I.M. — 2,850 I.M.. The Late First or Endorian Era. Represents the years after the arrival of the Second Extraplanar Empire, named after their home nation of Endor, on the plane of Rozsa.

2,850 I.M.. The Deluge occurs, wherein fully two-thirds of Materia is drowned under an enormous upwell of demon-haunted brine.

2,850 I.M. — 4,290 I.M.. The Second or Lost Age. A millennia and a half of relative chaos and desperate territorial warfare after the catastrophic Deluge, and the slow establishment of the second phase of Meranthic civilization on Materia. The Veil strengthened drastically eliminating interaction between Waking Materia and the coterminous Duskscape.

4,290 I.M. — Modern. The Third or Modern Age. A newfound period of relative stability and reëstablishment of planar commerce, accompanied by A) a slow recession of the Sunken Expanse that resulted from the Deluge and B) a gradual weakening of the Veil, thus renewing interactions between the Waking World and the Duskscape.

Cover image: by Veikka Somerma


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