Khayyamite Trade Council Organization in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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Khayyamite Trade Council

The Federated Sultanates' Official Trade Envoy with the Commonwealth

Clan Status: None, though the Trade Council is petitioning for more influence within the Empyreal Palace

Totem Kami: None; the crest of the trade council is a sphinx and a manticore crossing a sceptre and scimitar, respectively, crowned with a compass

Colours: Ornate and colourful Khayyamite fashions in a variety of styles, as their city-states are scattered and culturally unique

First Kannushi: None; the council is headed by High Acquitors from each of the seven major Cantons and Sultanates

Reputation: Cunning, charismatic, wealthy, numbers-minded, mysterious, historical enemies that shouldn't be fully trusted

Preferred classes: Rogue, fighter, bard, wizard, alchemist, artificer

Imagery: Khayyamite Trade Council Image Gallery

The Khayyamite Trade Council are the merchant guild and official trade delegation of the Federated Sultanates of Khayyam, an enormous continent to the west of Marai. They're slowly rebuilding a trade relationship with the Maraian Commonwealth, as the The Sunken Expanse recedes and the "Maze of Whorls" that divides the two continents calm. The Commonwealth permits this trade with their historical enemies nervously and with heavy taxation, due to past conflicts. This happens mainly through the Dolaghan clan of the far western badlands of Marai: a rugged and shrewd people who are assured to never give the Khayyamite Acquitors an easy time. (The Dolaghan are, of course, heavily taxed by the Commonwealth, though the Petal Cities permit them a moderate amount of "skimming" to keep the Sandfoxes loyal.)

The two continents were historical enemies in the Second Age, battling fiercely for control of the strait that most closely connects the two. Despite the wealth and technology of the Sultanates, the hardiness of the early Maraian clans, the superior strategic value of the eastern canyons and increasing futility of naval travel due to sea monsters eventually caused the Khayyamites to relent.

The majority of the Trade Council is from the nearest Khayyamite Canton to the Maraian continent, a sprawling port metropolis named Emeralda. However it is run by a council of one High Acquitor of each of the seven Sultanates and Cantons.

Guild, Merchant


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