Dolaghan Organization in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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The Stern-Faced Sandfoxes

A fierce, savvy and survivalist clan of the far western badlands of Marai, the Dolaghan are slowly rebuilding a trade relationship with the Khayyamite Sultans to the farther west, as the Sunken Expanse recedes and the "Maze of Whorls" that divides the two continents calm. The Commonwealth permits this trade with their historical enemies cautiously, with heavy taxation (though the Dolaghan are permitted some skimming to keep them docile).

The clan is something of a "living fossil" culture, rooted in the ancient Iyō peoples of the First Age, similar to the Chiyō and Oronaga. They are also called the Sandfoxes, the Scowling Sandfoxes after their Totem Kami.  

Clan Status: Minor

Totem Kami: The Stern-Faced Sand Fox

Colours: Whites & beiges highlighted with reds & deep oranges; breathable fabrics for the hot climate but with intimidating silhouettes, decorated with weaponry both deadly and decorative

First Kannushi: Dolaghan Chudukh

Vassal Clans: Kalaradh (Desert Jackalope), Dugai (Scorpion)

Reputation: Fierce; hardy; uncouth; little respect for the Eightfold Teachings or courtly etiquette; cunning tradesmen, strategists, alchemists & poisoners

Preferred classes: Fighter, samurai, rogue, ranger, witch (desert, badlands, cave), alchemist

Imagery: Dolaghan Fashion & Scenery Image Gallery (External)

In the farthest western reaches of Marai, where the bogs and jungles of the Emerald Expanse give way to badlands, banded sandstones and dunes, the Commonwealth engages in a cautious but increasingly cordial trade relationship wtih their historical enemy, the Federated Sultanates of Khayyam. After the Deluge drowned the archipelago connecting First Age Marai and Khayyam (then Iyō and Alanthan'aravaut respectively), the two sides fought rabidly for control of the region. Despite the wealth and technology of the early Alanthian Sultanates, the hardiness of the proto-Maraian clans and increasing futility of naval travel due to sea monsters eventually caused the Khayyamites to relent. Over the following centuries the coastal ramparts and fortresses of Khayyam's eastern coasts would collapse under the weight of time and disuse.

Deeply distrustful and protectionist, the Commonwealth regards this renewing relationship with the Khayyamites as an honour for only the most willful of tradesmen; as such, the foreign trade councils must deal with the Dolaghan. While fighting and assassionation are (officially) forbidden in the far-western Trade Cities, the fierce, streetwise Sandfoxes are no weaklings in matters of speech & bartering, and if the Khayyamites were to take up arms, the fighty horse warriors & sandstalkers would be even more thrilled.  

Relationship with the Commonwealth

Given their aloofness to Commonwealth culture, there is some concern amongst the other clans that the Dolaghan may be corrupted by the Khayyamites’ wealth, however three facts assuage this. One: Inquisitors from Empyreal Palace live quietly among the clan, skilled in sniffing out corruption. Two: despite their uncouthness, the Sandfoxes are not a materialistic people, and outright disdain overt or shallow displays of wealth. Three: There is no love lost between the Dolaghan and the Khayyamites, as both sides retain their recorded histories of warfare, so even if material temptations are strong, Dolaghan pride as rivals is stronger.  

Relationship with the Kula' Peoples

Aside from some generally unpopulated reaches of the Emerald Expanse, Dolaghan lands are geographically closest to the Kula'wongai island complex, three to five days' sailing in the Voidward direction. As such the densest Commonwealth-cooperative Kula' populations may be found in Dolaghan territory, rivaling even their presence in the Heartlands' major trade cities like O-Hoshakeiro and O-Hirasenka. This only further adds to the richness of the trade experiences that can be found here, where one may find the most luxurious Khayyamite rugs only steps from the most ornate Kula' jewelry. In turn, the Dolaghan are among the most common visitors to the Kula'wongai, though such travel is becoming increasingly vogue with Heartland nobility seeking adventures beyond the usual politicking and territorial spats.  


The Commonwealth of Marai
Including the Skylands to the east and the Kula'wongai to the Voidwest.


Existing in a massive "rain shadow" beneath the Indera's Wall mountain range immediately to the east, Dolaghan lands are among the most arid in the Commonwealth. The moisture of the Emerald Expanse is rained out on the windward side of the mountains, leaving the leeward side with only dry air, which then warms as it travels downslope due to increasing atmospheric pressure. Thus is the stark contrast between the rainy Emerald jungles and the deserts of the far western reaches.
Geopolitical, Clan


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