O-Hoshakeiro Settlement in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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O-Hoshakeiro is a major Maraian port city located where the Voidcentral Sea of Auspices narrows into a series of inland straits. At about 210,000 people, it is the third most populous city on the continent, after the Empyreal Capital and the great trade crossroads of O-Hirasenka. Pieces of the metropolis's wider region belong to (by order of population) the Yoisura, the Erayo and the Sokenzan. This includes the myriad islets found within the Bay of One Hundred Ports, whose name is not embellished.



The Commonwealth of Marai
Including the Skylands to the east and the Kula'wongai to the Voidwest.


  See also: Scenery of Marai (External)
The jutting coastal topography of Sokenzan territory also gives way to a small chain of rocky islands, half-encircling the Bay of One Hundred Ports. Atop these islands are some of the most prized residences among Maraian nobility on the continent, as well as a few ancient honden shrines & temples considered politically neutral and run by the the O-Nao-En-Zan. The Temple of One Thousand Converging Winds, in particular, is often considered second only to Mount Imanotsurugi in Maraian animist spirituality.
Banner art credit: Gao Zhimin

Cover image: by Gao Zhimin


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