O-Nao-En-Zan Organization in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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Divine representatives of the Eight-Fold Path of Philosophy, spirituality and kung fu

The monks and clerics of the O-Nao-En-Zan are not a clan, but rather a sort of "secular church" who preach the Seventy Two Analects of Fallingleaf and the Eight-Fold Path of philosophy, spirituality, good health and martial arts. Their monasteries are found all over Marai, tending to the sick and wounded, conducting exorcisms and teaching kung fu.  

Clan Status: None; not an official clan, though they participate in Commonwealth affairs as religious & spiritual advisors

Totem Kami: None; common associations with the rhinoceros and the red-crowned crane

Colours: White prominent with red & black robes, designed for mobility and simplicity

Chief Kannushi: None

Commonwealth Representative: Annan O-Shizu-en

Reputation: Wise, instructive, spiritual, aloof, idealistic, stuffy, old-fashioned, master martial artists

Preferred classes: Monk, paladin/cleric (Amaterasu O-Mikami, Aum, Inari O-Mikami, Reiza O-Mikami), greyguard/inquisitor (Kagemitsu O-No-Mikoto), alchemist, druid

Imagery: O-Nao-En-Zan Fashion & Scenery Image Gallery (External)

Considered a “clan” only insofar as they have a voice in the Maraian Commonwealth, the O-Nao-En-Zan nonetheless do not represent a particular region or a population of subjects. Rather, they are the earthly representatives of the Eight-Fold Path of spirituality, philosophy and kung fu, as described by the Seventy-Two Analects of Fallingleaf. They have representative masters of all divine kung fu styles, including even the deadly arts of Ansatsuken (Assassination Fist) and Satsujinken (Mourning Fist; Mantis Style): though ruthless techniques associated with evil gods, they are nonetheless still a part of the Whole, and should not be ignored in divine praxis lest evildoers use the inattention to further advantage. Clans also have one ambassador within the O-Nao-En-Zan at all times, who represent mastery of the clan/regional style of kung fu.

The O-Nao-En-Zan do not have a Totem Kami, however some Analects express admiration toward certain wildlife, in particular the now-endangered rhinoceros, which to the O-Nao-En-Zan represents an important combination of calmness, solitude and rarely-resorted-to physical strength. They’re also associated with the red-crowned crane, however that’s considered more a matter of resemblance to the red, black & white robes of the friars and is not received warmly by the clan; birds are considered preening and aphilosophical.

At most temples and kung fu dojos, one will find members of the O-Nao-En-Zan, consulting on matters of wellness, teaching martial arts, performing exorcisms and overseeing ceremonies.
Profile: A practicioner of Mountain Gales about to perform the "Ringing Bell Strike" on an arakh warrior. (Illus. Chase Stone)
Banner art credit: [Left to Right] The impressive Temple of One Thousand Converging Winds, outside O-Hoshakeiro (illus. Dawei Lu). A cleric of Amaterasu O-Mikami. Monks performing sequences of Dawn Celebration style kung fu (illus. Will Murai).
Religious, Monastic Order

Cover image: by Dawei Lu (left), Will Murai (right


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