Time Divider Item in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Time Divider

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Made by Mercure Elixers, these potions are nowhere near as popular as their Time Multiplier potions. There are just far more advantages to being abel to move faster in a slowed down world than moving slower in a sped up world. This potion does have its uses though.

When one potion is taken, it takes eight hours from your frame of reference for 16 hours to pass in the universe. You don't feel slower, but the world around you does feel like it is running very quickly. Compared to the time multiplier, there aren't many negative effects to taking this potion. Food will digest normally, maybe a little faster than normal, and clothing won't tear apart of burn up from friction when wearing it.

When two potions are taken it takes 8 hours from your frame of reference for 32 hours to pass in the universe. this has some problems when eating. Until the food absorbs the magic of the potion in your body, it could potentially go bad before your body has a chance to digest it, expecially at higher values. Since only 8 hours pass from your frame of reference no matter what, it might be best to just not eat during this time.

The only real use for this potion is forcing especially terrible criminals with long sentences to drink them, and not just one, but concentrated versions that multiply the effect hundreds of time. The Scionic Order of the Abyss has a prison in Galleska with thousands of these criminals, put in chains and placed in boxes. While only 8 hours pass for them, it is expected that for the worst offenders, thousands of years will pass for the rest of the universe before they are freed, if anyone even remembers they were put there.

Average Price: 4,600 Beryls

  • Mana charged Water (75% heavy water)
  • Tritiated Water
  • Salt.
  • Reverse Stone.
  • Blood of Chrotempus, the Lesser God of Time.

  • Effects:
  • Slow yourself down, Speed* up Time around you!
  • From your frame of reference the universe quickens...
  • CAUTION: Do Not take more than one per day!
  • Effect last 8 hours, from the frame of reference of the user.

  • Gils
    "I've said many times that because these criminals only experience 8 hours in an uncomfortable box, a many centuries long sentence isn't bad enough for them. To make it worse for them, I placed the boxes, their prison cells, at the bottom of a mine in the mountains. When they move at normal speed in a few thousand years, my hope is that future grandmasters of the order will forget they were ever even there. Good luck climbing out of that pit!"

    For a more reasonable amount of time, there was a scholar that took 10 of these potions to see what the effects were. He was placed in a room and was to not be disturbed during this time. This scholar knew time would be wasted if he wasn't already at the window, so he went there to take the potion. He watched from the window as time passed over two thousand times faster. He observed 682 days of the universe's time pass in only 8 hours for him. An entire day passed every 42 seconds for him. He watched the tree outside grow its leaves and bloom its flowers very quickly.

    He started to panick on the 340th day when he saw a large army moving close to the town. This army put the town under siege and for just under a year the town held out until the gates were breached. The scholar then watched the army very quickly defeat everyone in town before they made it to the college in a matter of seconds. His door was then broken open by the army.

    The Soldiers closed the door and walked away after a few seconds, not noticing the scholar. The Scholar had stood still for so long, he was covered in a fine dust and the soldiers mistook him for a mannequin. Also, the fellow scholars of the college put a bunch of mannequins in the room as a prank, which did give the scholar a good scare when he finally turned around. He then came down from the potion's effects and had to lay low until the army left, which took several days. This felt painfully long, so the scholar took another potion to pass the time.


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