Phase Elixer Item in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Phase Elixer

Article Contents

Made by Mercure Elixers, Phase Elixers are similar to Awareness Tonics in that they use Aethercite crystals from the Corruption of Maeos. Phase elixers make use of Fade Stones, a special type of Aethercite that can temporarily send you to an alternate plane of existence, but only for a short time. The effect is somewhat random and unpredictable, but thieves and assassins have been using these stones for thousands of years to do their dirty work. A safer alternative is to use Amethyst crystals, though that crystal's effect doesn't cause complete invisiblity.

Mercure Elixers made this potion in an attempt to remove the random effect of fade stones. By being ingested directly into the human body, control over how the teleportation works is brought under a person's control. The effect only lasts an hour or so, but during this time, the user can phase in and out of reality as often as they please.

This alternate reality is a parallel world of sorts and the rules there often don't make sense. The real world can be seen in this dimension, though it's all strangely see-through. While in this reality, you can walk through real world objects as if they weren't there, just, don't phase back into reality when you are inside these objects. Also in this alternate reality are fuzzy blobs. These are creatures from a higher plane of existence and they will pay no attention to you while in this reality.

What will pay attention to you are the Usetos, spawn of the Dragonlord Maeos, the Incorporeal. They cannot be described. The Usetos do not appreciate tresspassers in their realm, though they often don't notice you exist because your presence in their world is too ephemeral and to them, you are still in your world.

If you make yourself known, by locking eyes with them for example, then they will know you are in their reality. They will do everything in their power to capture you, and prevent you from leaving this shadowy alternate reality. Even if you manage to leave, they will send hunters after you, and you will have to defeat them, otherwise, they will forcibly make you ingest charged several fade stones, and you will go back to their reality to be their prisoner.
Average Price: 12,345 Beryls

  • Mana charged Water (100% heavy water)
  • Ground Fade Stones
  • Salt

  • Effects:
  • Allows you to teleport in and out of reality!
  • Temporarily enter the domain of Maeos, the Incorporeal.
  • CAUTION: The domain of the usetos is Dangerous!

  • Ametista
    "I get my name from my habit of using Amethyst crystals. Overloading them with magic causes it to create a diffraction field around me, making me invisible for a short time. Stealing from people is so easy this way!

    Magic is expensive though, so these phase elixers are the next best thing. If you do drink that... DO NOT make eye contact with the beings you come across in the other world and do not act like you know they are there. Just trust me, if they realize you are there, it will not end well!


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