Counter Potion Item in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Counter Potion

Article Contents

Mercure Elixers advertises their potions as being so powerful you need to take a counter potion so the effects don't tear your body apart. In reality, the majority of their potions have rather dangerous ingredients. For example, Phoenix Tonics have radioactive water and mercury as listed ingredients, enough to cause serious harm to your body if you don't take a counter potion within a few minutes of the actual one.

These dangerous ingredients are unfortunately necessary in order for these powerful potions to exist. Mercury is used as a stabilizing ingredient, preventing the potion's aether from escaping and then becoming useless. Without it, most of Mercure Elixer's potions would lose their aether charge after about a week or so. With mercury, it can last several months without issue.

Tritiated water is used for a similar reason. When charged with Aether, tritium becomes extremely stable, and so does the super heavy water version of this element. When this ingredient is added, it multiplies a potion's stability so it will keep its charge for several decades than with just mercury alone. Some Mercure Elixers have more exotic ingredients that can't be fixed with a counter potion.

These ingredients are really only needed long enough for the potion's magic to enter the body, then they can be removed with a counter potion. Some people actually forget to buy the counter potion, which leads to unfortunate side effects and even death. Because of this, Mercure started offering the counter potion for free in the hopes that more people take them.
Average Price: 100 Beryls

  • Charcoal
  • Mana charged Water (25% heavy water)
  • Salt

  • Effects:
  • Removes Mercury and other heavy metals from the body.
  • Eases the effects of mercury poisoning.
  • Removed irradiated material from the body.
  • Eases the effects of radiation posioning.

  • Aerynn - Small.png
    "I just don't understand why people spend thousands buying a super powerful elixer only to have to take another potion to undo the effects of the first! Oh, and some people forget to even take the counter potion. How stupid can they be!?! I swear if I have to remove quicksilver from one more idiot's blood..."


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