The Inverted Sun Plot in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

The Inverted Sun

Young Daimyō Aotsuki Tsukamoto is known for many things, but foremost among them may be his devotion to the sun goddess Amaterasu. Indeed, some rumors even suggest that he may share blood with the divine sun. So it was particularly disturbing for Aotsuki when, more than once on his adventures, he encountered an inverse of that which he believes in: a vision of a black, pitlike sun, burning as darkly as Amaterasu's was bright.  
He hung motionless in a black, forbidding sky and at first thought he was suspended somewhere in the intrasolar deeps much closer to the Sun than on Earth. But then he realized that the dully gleaming orb which floated before his dreaming vision was not the Sun.   –John Glasby, The Dark Mirror
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