Demonic Possession Physical / Metaphysical Law in Totania | World Anvil
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Demonic Possession

Demonic Possession is when Demon Lords or lesser Demons manifest within the bodies of mortals: the only known way they can appear on the mortal plane.  

What Is It?

Mortor the Prime by Jarhed
Put most simply, Demonic Possession is when one makes a pact with a Demon and allows the force from the void the usage of their mortal body.   There are many nuances involved, often depending on the Demon who possesses the body. Each Demon Lord does something special with their hosts, some taking more visual control like Torquemada the Inquisitor's "Anti-Priests" looking like the inverse of a holy person. Others like Dagon manifest only through tentacles that appear around the host, while Xandr appears only as a spark in the eye that will, eventually, blind his host.   Lower Demons have less power in terms of what they can give to their hosts, bringing weaker power, yet still it is not nothing.   When a Fiend possesses someone, they take the full body, trading places with the soul they took, often leading to a full manifestation on Totania until a Devil can force them back or they are killed.   Generally, a Demon cannot take full control, even a Demon Lord. This is believed to be due to a combination of Holy Might and Area Devil Abilities taking effect on Totania. They are only allowed to take the body when the host allows them or when the host is unconscious. They also cannot make too drastic of changes onto the body normally.  
Suzuki "The Demon Swordsman" Takashi by Jarhed

Full Possession

However, they can undergo something called Full Possession if the host understands the risks and has formed a bond with their Demon.   This bond could be one of true companionship or, more likely, when they have become consumed by the evil that the Demon represents.   Here, all limits on Demonic Possession are gone, and a Demon's power over the host is let loose. They can take control whenever and do whatever they please to them.   For example, the Demon Gaorast was able to turn Count Weird into pure elastic rubber. The Count, then, was able to stretch every part of his body to extreme lengths and take more hits.   For Suzuki Takashi, the Demon Swordsman, Yamotaru was able to boil his very blood to fuel him further in battle, setting his blades to their melting point yet not allowing them to melt. Thus it was said that touching Takashi burned, and his blades cut through Kamejin shells like they were butter.   Dresmorlin Cobath is said to have the opposite of this power: he can instead fully control the Demons or Demon Lords who possess him, giving the same power with no control taken from him.
Captain Aeydark by Jarhed

Examples of the Possessed

  • Mortor the Prime- The first person to ever be possessed by a Demon, an Orc who used the power of Demon Lord Regidagonus to help win in the Holy Rebellion against Mimir and Satanael.
  • Rhem Pride Masher- Daughter of Mortor the Prime, who became possessed by the Demon Lord Espinosius to stop Satanael after the Orcs fled to Udai.
  • Dresmorlin Cobath- The User of Demon Magic, a Dark Elven noble and Great Vampire Lord, Dresmorlin Cobath is said to have the power to call on all Demons and Demon Lords as he pleases.
  • Reoma the Wretched/Jarrur Lord of the Dark- Some say that the Black Dragon Lord has a pact with a Demon Lord, while others say his Purple brother is the one with said pact.
  • Ingvar the Crazed- A Frost Giant who attempted to reclaim the land of the Giant Kingdom with the help of the Demon Lord Xandr.
  • Suzuki Takashi- Called the Demon Swordsman, it was said he wielded a blade possessed by the Demon Lord Yamotaru.
  • Count Weird- A Count of the Mammen who sought endless knowledge, he became possessed by the minor Demon "Gaorast" and became a famed member of the Debt Collectors.
  • Captain Aeydark "The Hunter" Lesuant- Captain of the Elven Guard, possessed by Regidagonus for the knowledge of the hunt.

Gaining Possession

There are many ways one may come into contact with a Demon. Rituals are commonplace, though not all Demons possess based on rituals. Some Demons seek out those who represent their evil and contact them about possession, while in some cases hosts find ways aside from rituals to contact the Demon Lords.
Dresmorlin Cobath by Jarhed
  Demonic Possession has few rules on what it can be and how one may get it, for the rules instead are what limit its power, not what limit it from happening. There are legends that say it is so easy to be possessed by a Demon that one could lament in the morning that they wish to see Sigismunnt and, by the night, a giant brain would be staring back at them in the mirror.
Sigismunnt by genuinetrickster

Demon Magic

Demon Magic is a terrifying power, one which has been wielded for most of history by the Dark Elven noble, one of the first Dark Elves, Dresmorlin Cobath.   The Dead Man's Tale is the story of his acquisition of the power, though many doubt that he truly still lives, or that he ever gained the magic.   The power of Demon Magic comes in many phases. It is said that its greatest power is making nightmares manifest, using the power of Chernobog's Eye to bring forth the most terrifying of all imagery. Yet Demon Magic has another power, where its user can utilize Full Demonic Possession without losing control of themselves. In this way, they are lord over the power of all Demons, equal only to Chernobog himself, who is exempt from Demonic Possession in Demon Magic unless he chooses to manifest.   If Chernobog were to ever manifest fully with the Demon magic, it is said that the end times would be guaranteed.

Articles under Demonic Possession

Cover image: Chernobog the All Consuming Evil by Jarhed


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