Wellan Character in Toriel | World Anvil



Ancient folk hero in a village of the roaring plane, he left to the island who never sleep seeking a new life. He quickly learned of pirates, and decided to join them. If humanity had turned their back on him, he would not aid them anymore. As a pirate, he participated in a first expedition to seek sunken treasure in the Diver's Grave. The expedition successful, he shcemed with Rudy and Sam Bellamy so they could get a ship of their own.   The plan was to free mutin of the ship they planned to stole before boarding on the ship and commnading it by force. But everything went south as the explosion freeing the mutin caused the captaincy to collapse and Wellan to loose his left arm. However they carried on with the plan and managed to steal the Garrot anyway.   The Garrot and its crew journeyed to Nicodranas, but with supplies running low, they resorted to acting as the pirates they are, pillaging a ship for food and supplies and setting the survivors free. Safely reaching Nicodranas, the crew used the stolen goods to pay for the Garrot's repairs.   However, the man with whom they traded the goods, Husk, needed some help to stock and sell their plunder. A small group, composed of Aelsthim, Marshal, Tanuki and Wellan, gathered in Nicodranas after they contacted Husk. This guy knows a lot about the city and often offers non-legal jobs to those who may look for them. The party had a task: to steal accounting books from a caravan moving through the Desolation Desert. Husk told the group all the information he had, offering them various ways to approach the problem.   Knowing the caravan would stop in Flintfall to get water and food, the party waited for them and tried to sneak inside. They only partially succeeded, Aelsthim and Wellan sneaking inside as Marshal and Tanuki tried to lure the guards away. Marshal turned into an old lady to try and bait a guard, who, upon understanding the trick, attacked him. The Tanuki helped and killed the guard, unaware the old lady was actually Marshal.   Their attempt at stealth failed, and the caravan set in motion to get out of the dangerous situation. Aelsthim started to set them on fire as Tanuki and Tox stole Axe Beak from the guards to chase after the flaming caravan and help their comrades.   Fighting the guards of the caravan while driving it through the shifting sands, the party managed to steal the books and some gold before fleeing into town, hiding as best as they could behind the Royal Pig Tavern and sneaking in a merchant's cart to get back to Nicodranas.   Husk thanked them for their work, although all the fuss they made created agitation his clients would have preferred to avoid. Husk offered to meet again in a week, as he may have another job for them.   Unfazed by the collaboration, Wellan returned to his ship and set sail in pursuit of a legendary treasure he heard about in town. This quest led him to face Sirce Avalon, a half-siren and the granddaughter of Crazy Roland, who guarded the famous treasure. During the encounter, the Garrot faced Scylla, a famous sea monster, and Wellan defeated both with the help of his crewmates. He ultimately claimed the gold for himself.   However, the dungeon dive nearly cost the life of Aymeric, one of Wellan's crewmates. Despite the challenges, Wellan earned a new weapon: a longsword in which the spirit of Marion Anker is trapped.   The ship, once again damaged from the previous combat, set sail toward Tortuga Isle, the infamous pirate island. Captain Sam, eager to assert her newfound status, planned to inform the Kraken King, Yrial Maranoss, leader of the Longstraw Pirates, about the Garrot's new captaincy.   Upon reaching the island, the Kraken King approached Wellan with a request to spy on Sam, a proposition that Wellan agreed to in front of the king but discreetly avoided later on, keeping crucial information undisclosed.   Yrial sought the Garrot's help in locating and destroying a set of three crystals known as the Coven Crystals. After some negotiations, Wellan and the Garrot were dispatched to dragon's bay to meet Katarina Nessi, who supposedly possessed information about the crystals.   From Katarina, they learned that the three crystals served as seals for a mighty titan named Tromokratis. These crystals granted immense power to the Kraken King. However, Katarina, blessed by the titan's power herself, had different plans. Instead of destroying the crystals, she aimed to control Tromokratis and become the queen of the seas.   Promising Sam the position of Queen of the Pirates and Wellan incredible power, an alliance was formed. The next step involved Wellan sailing to Vellamorn, an underwater sea elf city, to attempt the theft of the Coven Crystals, guarded by the elves.


devil of the Captaincy

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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