Thurásin Standard Calendar

When I left home, it was the 386th year after the Collision. Here, it is the 33rd year after... Mer contact, I think? I must confess, I don't think I will ever understand this Thurasin system.
— Shipwrecked Abravosti sailor
While no country or culture in Thurásin is identical, many have come together to use a unified calendar and way of arranging years, to minimise confusion in diplomatic and trade negotiations.


The Thurásin Standard Calendar began its life in central-west Thurásin, on the banks of the River Tsädh, due to the large variety of groups which relied on the river for trading amongst each other. Representatives from nearly every town and group along the river came together at a nominated location to talk numbers, finally settling on an Era system, and agreeing that the start of the next thawing season would mark the first years in their new calendar. Years prior to the beginning of the Thurásin Standard are counted either in local calendars, or in negative numbers as part of an "Era of Origins".


Converting between the Thurásin Standard and the Abravosti calendar is an inexact science, owing to the limited contact between the two continents. According to the only primary sources in Thurásin about the latter, the year 386 After Collision aligns with the year 33 Contact.   While both calendars start in equivalent seasons, being that of the thawing and harvest respectively, its highly likely they do not neatly fit into each other due to their distance and differences in the lengths of years. For simplicities sake, Abravosti years are used 1:1.

Thurásin Eras

Eras in the standard calendar start the next thawing season after a major defining event, or approximately every 100 years if no such event occurs. As such, there are some eras which are significantly shorter than others. Each era starts at year 1, and counts upward until the next era begins. Many of the initial eras are specific to central and southern Thurásin, but later becomes more all encompassing as more people adopt the calendar.

Name of Era Event sparking Era Era Length Equivalent Abravosti dates
Era of Beginnings Start of the Thurásin Standard Calendar 100 922 BC - 823 BC
Era of Continuance End of Beginnings 27 822 BC - 796 BC
Era of Destruction Destruction of Dyiiladuun at the hands of a mighty dragon 53 795 BC - 743 BC
Era of Redemption The leader of Dyiiladuun at the time of its destruction died 60 742 BC - 683 BC
Era of Conquest Beginning of the invasions by the Nyikkishep Empire of Urisoril 64 682 BC - 619 BC
Era of Plague A devastating plague struck central Thurásin, killing thousands 62 618 BC - 557 BC
Era of Collapse The Urisoril Empire collapsed into civil war, and splintered 88 556 BC - 469 BC
Era of Peace Calm had returned to central Thurásin 100 468 BC - 369 BC
Era of Flood The River Tsädh experienced catastrophic flooding 46 368 BC - 323 BC
Era of Drought Lake Strelish's waters fell to historic lows 16 322 BC - 307 BC
Era of Renewal End of Drought 101 306 BC - 206 BC
Era of Plenty End of Renewal 28 205 BC - 178 BC
Era of War War broke out between Ozäxa-Lavüdh and its down river neighbours 46 177 BC - 132 BC
Era of Reconciliation Peace treaty in the Central War finally signed 98 131 BC - 34 BC
Era of Thawing End of Reconciliation - Northern Thurásin recovered from unseasonable cold weather 33 33 BC - 1 BC
Era of Collision The Collision upended order in Thurásin 70 1 AC - 70 AC
Era of Ascent The Elves of The Spire make contact 59 71 AC - 129 AC
Era of Discovery The elves of the Shyanhol League, located on an island of the eastern coast, make contact 88 130 AC - 217 AC
Era of Growth End of Discovery 63 218 AC - 280 AC
Era of Famine Another plague struck, this time causing suffering through all of Thurásin 46 281 AC - 326 AC
Era of Disturbance A strange shift was felt in the air 27 327 AC - 353 AC
Era of Contact Merfolk are contacted off the eastern coast 33 354 AC - 386 AC
Era of Return An Abravosti fleet wrecks off the south eastern coast - on board is a descendant of the Dyiiladuunawa 39 387 AC - Present (425 AC)


Articles under Thurásin Standard Calendar

Cover image: Tiyu Amara by Casey Horner


Author's Notes

This article was written for WorldEmber 2019!

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