Nivis Geographic Location in The Unisphere | World Anvil
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Another cold, icy planet, now known by the name of Vandre. Nivis in the pre-calamity wasn't really touched upon, only home to a few minor outposts that had plans of colonization- these plans of course did not see fruition as the calamity had befallen the system in its infant stages. Thus, some scattered tech remains littered, buried in the snow. It wouldn't be unlikely to see the remains of a few starships jut out of the snow either, bereft of any power supply, and scavenged by the new, post-calamity inhabitants.   In the present day, post-apocalyptic survivors with not even an inkling of what may have happened before the fall of the Aegans huddle together in little clusters of villages along the forest lines.


Mountains and rolling hills, all covered in a smattering of monochrome forests of black and greys. The planet itself is blanketed in heavy snow, but underneath is soft loamy dirt as dark as obsidian.


Freezing, often dipping below zero in the winter months but never coming above the low fifties. Snow and snow storms are common.
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