Temporalis Building / Landmark in The Unisphere | World Anvil
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"It's height was dizzying, from afar, but even moreso at it's base... And when I first made the climb, I thought that the steps would never end." -Finch
  A massive stone tower said to be erected and hand-carved by none other than the God of Earth themselves on an island that resides within the reaches of both the desert and badlands. At its peak are five pillars surrounding a basin, the seat of all five gods of Raxodin.

Purpose / Function

Originally meant to serve as a stone prison for Oroitz's pinion tower, preventing it from being exposed and transferring energy siphoned from Raxodin to the Revenir. Whether or not Oroitz senses that their pinion tower is entombed within is unknown. As time passed, however, Petram had begun to inscribe the events that lead to the calamity, as well as what came after before he and the other gods went into hibernation. He also included seats for his fellow gods should they need to be summoned in the event another calamity may come to pass.   But the natives of Raxodin merely utilize the structure as a meeting point for a handful of their yearly holidays.
Alternative Names
Godshome, Stoneword, The Spire, The Tower
Parent Location

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