Meylara Geographic Location in The Unisphere | World Anvil
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Now known as Raxodin, this planet was the ground zero of sorts for the calamity. Nowadays you can scarcely tell that upon its very soil once upon a time a proud space-faring race had its origins here and raised their best and brightest to become a part of their military and government.   Set back to the age of stone towers and steel swords, its current inhabitants are Feerin, an offshoot of Aegans that were warped and changed by the calamity. Save for some scarring, the land itself remains unchanged from the nature reserve it used to be.


Rather diverse- from frozen tundras to scorching deserts, badlands and wastes to bountiful rainforests and dark dank swamps. Only four continents exist- Ethon, Arbor, Opal, and Elysium

Localized Phenomena

The sea level of Raxodin is affected by the Waking World's moon phase- it is highest during a full moon, and lowest during a new moon. on very rare occasions, weather patterns can be startlingly inappropriate for the region they occur in such as heavy snow in a sandy desert.


Dreamers and spirits of the undead not native to TX08-C usually end up appearing within Raxodin's badlands suddenly and without explanation. In the present day, after the revolution, the natives often urge or outright shepherd dreaming and dead newcomers alike to meet with their king- an oneiric/chthonic deity of sorts, and self-proclaimed keeper of the Unisphere.


  • Map of Raxodin - THE KNOWN WORLD
    Placeholder Map for Raxodin, I plan to redesign the map since it and some other pages in The Unisphere are outdated.
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