The United Federation of Aegans Organization in The Unisphere | World Anvil
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The United Federation of Aegans

"The government of the ancients, the original inhabiters of TX08-C before the calamity. Traces of their once-great civilisation lay strewn and in ruins across all the planets and planes of TX08-C.   Prior to the calamity, the UFA was the sole governing body of the system, founded by none other than the Aegans. Led by the head of each division and one member from each planet under their control, the UFA has long since blossomed from their homeworld of Meylara and spread their wings to colonise the rest of the eleven planets and three moons of their solar system. But that was as far as their wings could take them... Try as they might to learn how to fly farther, they could not accomplish their goals before destruction and ruination were set upon them.   They fought bravely to save their peoples, but only a handful of them survived, and those that did don't remember enough to tell tales about the supposed 'glory days.'   Well... One does, but good luck finding them."   -????


Each head of the divisions that comprise the United Aegans (the Dragons, the Lions, the Condors, the Rams, and the Scorpions) all have one leader that represents their division as a whole... Combined with one representative of each settled planet and moon, these twenty-one people comprise the United Aegans that govern the system of TX08-C.


The United Aegans, and the factions that they are comprised of, devolved into infighting in their final days. The organizations as a whole were wiped out after the calamity that befell the Raca system.


The divisions a part of the UFA are it's military force, but each division leader holds power within the government alongside colony representitives.


  • Map of System TX08-C
    The Raca System is an analogue of the Waking World's Solar System. This map shows as it appears prior to the calamity, however, I've still provided notations on present-day and pre-calamity.
Dissolution Date
Political, Federation
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Holochips- most of the time utilized in the form of NFC cards or tags to pay, but can be withdrawn for physical transactions (rare as it is nowadays). Most transactions are done digitally.
Organization Vehicles
Related Species

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