Aegan Species in The Unisphere | World Anvil
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Aegan (Ay-gen)

The race of ancients that were once living prosperously across all of TX08-C.

Basic Information


Human in appearance— with the addition of pointed elf-like ears. Aegans are intersex, possessing both male and female genitals.
Other features are determined by birth status.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous— with preference for sweet fruits and cooked meats.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Based on one’s accomplishments/rank in the UFA, as well as to a lesser extent their birth conditions and location.
Supervised births on more well-off planets lead to a better social status and physical well-being.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Alcohol Intolerance/Drunken Resilience— Alcohol affects Aegans more strongly, making them drunk much more quickly than even normal human lightweights, however, they benefit from this sensitivity as alcohol speeds up their body’s healing response. Aegans become calm and can recover from minor injuries when sufficiently intoxicated.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Follows human naming conventions— based on geographic location.

Major Organizations

The United Federation of Aegans— made up of one representative from each of the Meylaran Pilot Academy’s divisions: the Dragunov Dragons, the Tokko Rams, the Bothmer Lions, the Artair Condors, and the Nazzaro Scorpions— as well as one representative for each major settlement.

Gender Ideals

Being intersex, Aegans are not assigned a firm gender, rather they are free to choose male, female, or neither as they mature. Their decision does not restrict them in any manner in life, only their physical health and capabilities.

Relationship Ideals

The average relationship tends to be a pair of two Aegans- how these two Aegans are related does not matter, the term partner is still used- and these two partners are Aegans that have found a strong connection between them and are willing to risk life and limb for the safety of the other. This type of bond is most commonly seen between twins, and it is often mused amongst some more spiritually inclined Aegans that those who are not related to one another at all may have been twins in a former life.   Partners often instinctually know when harm will come to one another, or can often tell what the other is thinking without an exchange of words. Co-ordination is very high, and thus the UFA has taken recognition of partners and has made accommodations to ensure that partnered Aegans make it onto the same squadron when joining and graduating.

Average Technological Level

Space-level— but no means to travel beyond their star system.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

English/Galactic Common
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Dryadalis Aequalis
70 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Athletic, slightly toned, androgynous body shape
Geographic Distribution

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