Session 50: Travelers getting close. Report

General Summary

After the skirmish our heroes wake up early the next morning. It’s time to board the wagons and move to Aachen. The journey by cart will take almost a full day.   Along the way we have some time to take in the landscape. Different villages pass by the caravan. Sometimes guards can be seen walking around the villages. And in-between the villages there are clear marks of battles left on the lands. Slowly the mostly dirt path transitions into something that can be recognized as a road. Along the road different strung up criminals can be seen. Some distance away there is a broken wagon on the side of the road. There seem to be some families with woodworking and smithing materials broken down. Our party stops and asks if we can help, but the damage to the wheel is almost fixed and no further assistance is needed. After setting off again we can come across a few Cristian monks who are waving friendly to us. After traveling for some time on better roads, Aachen slowly comes into view.   Grimmaz reminiscences the previous battles that happened here in the vicinity to the South-East of Aachen. Most of the battlefield has been cleaned up, but there are still traces of Saxons battling, traces of people being herded towards Aachen while shackled. There would be about 300 shackled people in groups from 5 to 10 according to the marks on the ground.       After entering the city past the city walls, the bustling life of Aachen becomes visible. People going on their usual business toing and froing different areas, towns, and homes. There does seem to be a bigger than usual presence of guards around. It seems to be that they are on edge for unknown reasons.   Grimmaz suggest that the party goes and looks for Childeric Ludger or people from his clan. They should be in the South-West of the market area in the metal working part. Along the way to the South-West the party notices that some market folks are cleaning up. After getting to Childeric, Grimmaz asks Childeric about the market folks. From Childeric we can understand that the market folk seem to be worried about something that’s happening to the North. There seem to be vague reports about a cult raiding Uppsala in Sweden.   Right now, our party is on its journey to a quest already, thus the news from Uppsala isn’t concerning Grimmaz now.   The party leaves the blacksmithing area of the marketplace and exists the marketplace on the left side. There is a 3-story guarded tower which towers over the marketplace. As the party gets closer Grimmaz asks the guards if Emon Kanis is around. The guard opens the door to the tower while telling the party that Emon is on the top floor trying different techniques. Grimmaz asks if the guard knows anything about the reports from the North, but the guard doesn’t seem to have heard anything about it.       After entering the tower, the party sees the usual storerooms and lodgings. Various guards and students walking around on the first floor. At the end of a hallway there is a staircase that leads up. After the party ascends the staircase to the first floor, they are met with a gnome wizard doing various experiments. The gnome notices Grimmaz and gives him a thumbs up. Grimmaz returns the thumbs up as the party continues to ascend the staircase to the 2nd floor. There a short stout tattooed dwarf is swinging a great axe at some type of wooden dummy covered in parts of metal armor. Grimmaz calls out to this dwarf. Floki Bigbeard looks up after being called and sees a ragtag party of different people standing there. After greeting Grimmaz, Grimmaz asks if he can take a few swings with the weapon Floki is testing.   The Axe is well made, appear to be a good strong weapon. It’s a new great axe design. It’s got a double oak shaft with a top as a bearded axe. It seems to be good at slicing into armor. Grimmaz can’t remember where he’s seen these types of weapons before but is impressed with the axe. Floki tells Grimmaz that Emon is upstairs trying different things.   The top steps of the stairs lead to a small area with a door. After Grimmaz knocked on the door, the door is opened by the Seeress. It is clear from the sight that Emon is a busy person. There’s stuff lying around on the floor, and there doesn’t seem to be a clear organization. Emon while holding a book greets the party while excusing himself for the mess. There are different texts lying around which Emon is checking for anything worthy for anyone. Emon doesn’t seem to be disturbed by the party at all with a cat person. It seems that this is business as usual for people hanging around Grimmaz. Grimmaz asks Emon about the current status of Aachen.   According to Emon there’s good and bad currently. There is a big influx of troops again. And Saxons have been spotted, but it doesn’t seem likely that the Saxons will launch a big attack any time soon. A dragon that Grimmaz is worried about seems to be flying South towards the Mediterranean. Grimmaz tells Emon the information that the party has uncovered recently. Emon, however, isn’t too worried about the information. Aachen has good guard patrols and recently even cleaned up an infestation of vampires in the sewers. At which point Grimmaz is unsure if this vampire infestation would be his fault…   Grimmaz gets to the main point of his seeking out Emon. Grimmaz is looking to get information about the island of Baltia. It appears that if you go to Copenhagen on the east of Denmark you should be able to arrange some transportation. Emon however does warn for the guardian of Baltia. While looking worried at Willhelm.   Grimmaz explains that the goal of the trip is to get some Mistletoe's Blood Clot.   Emon explains that the island is protected and requires a ritual to be accessible. The ritual involves 9 tied human sacrifices. Grimmaz sees an opportunity to get rid of some Saxons. The island contains the Mistletoe’s Blood Clot, but also some type of Amber. If you mistake the Amber for the Mistletoe’s Blood Clot, you’ll anger the gods. Which Grimmaz already did some time ago with something related to a volcano.   The Seeress mentions that the local shamans on those lands have been having visions of giants awakening and walking around with the odd dragon here and there. The vision includes 2 fists (one glowing white, the other glowing yellow). When placed within an arm’s length of each other will make the giants awaken which can result in a war between the giants and the dragons. The Seeress hopes that the party in front of her isn’t the main cause of this.   Grimmaz fails to reassure the Seeress as he doesn’t have a good track record and usually doesn’t know what he’s doing. But he will be staying a couple of days in Aachen before continuing to Copenhagen. The Seeress advises the inn near the main marketplace as that inn usually has some places left. Along the way to the inn, Grimmaz asks Floki to join the party later in the Inn to retell some tales.       Arriving at the Inn, Grimmaz graciously offers to pay for the rooms for everyone. The party takes 2 rooms so that the 3 ladies can share a room, and the 4 men can share a room. That way the men can also keep an eye on the troublemaker Willhelm.   After settling the sleeping division, the party heads downstairs to the communal area of the Inn for some nice food. The innkeeper is busy with a big boar on a spit and serving drinks. There is a boisterous atmosphere around.   Grimmaz notices a small group of 6 armed man sitting about 2 tables away. They seem to be mercenaries with a small family crest. On one side the crest of Charlemagne is visible. The other smaller family crest seems to be the family crest of Countess Gabrielle de Rais. At which point Grimmaz warns Cyrielle about the presence of the mercenaries, allowing Cyrielle to disguise herself on time before being found out.   2 of the mercenaries head upstairs to the sleeping area of the inn, at which point Grimmaz tries to get confirmation from the innkeeper to get information in exchange for some coins. The 2 mercenaries are part of a bigger mercenary family who are here presumably to fight in the Saxon war to the North. The mercenary family is related to the de Rais family.   At which point the innkeeper wonders about Anselma (one of our heroes from the traveling party). The innkeeper remembers a gentleman coming trough which has some resemblance to Anselma. Speaking with a Northern accent, asking questions about some island in the middle of the Baltic Sea. The man seemed to miss his wife allot and left North about 3 days ago.   After some time, Floki enters the bar and orders his usual from the innkeeper. Floki gets to meet the rest of the party and share stories of the past. After some time, the common area of the inn is mostly empty except for Grimmaz and Floki. At which point Grimmaz decides to go to bed. The next day Floki wakes up in the tower with a headache none the wiser.       After the party wakes up, the party makes its way to the castle of Charlemagne. The guards allow the party to enter the castle as they recognize the coat of arms of Grimmaz. The court seems to be in session when the party arrives.   Grimmaz makes himself seen without interrupting the proceedings of the court. At which point Count de Ath comes up to him.   The Count gets told by Grimmaz that Grimmaz will be in Aachen for a day or 2 and that he is available in case Charlemagne needs him. The Count requests Grimmaz to keep his head down. As the de Rais family have been seen in town. And they seem to have taken a liking to your traveling group. They won’t make a move with Charlemagne around, but better be careful. There also seems to be a foreign gentleman who has been asking about the tower and the palace. We’ve asked the palace guards about different bits and pieces, but the gentleman seemed to be under some type of illusion covering himself. But he appears to be from the middle east, doesn’t seem to be human. We’re worried that he’s planning an attack.   Grimmaz seems to have heard a rumor about this person at some point that the gentleman in question is upset about the things that happened in a village to the South of Aachen. The Count mentions that Viktor is still around and making a name for himself challenging enemy combatants to 1 on 1 combat and usually coming out on top. At which point the party leaves the castle.       The party is heading to the market to look for water/boat supplies. While looking for different gear, Anselma notices what looks like a knife being sold by a trader. It has a similar design to Anselma’s home world. There seems to be a cloaked man interested in the knife. Anselma keeps an eye on the man and listens in. The cloaked man seems to speak with a strange accent. He mentions that the knife doesn’t seem to be from this area. But there’s more to the blade as the man mentions to feel the heartbeat of a person. The cloaked man is obviously interested in the knife and asks how the trader acquired it. The trader mentions that a gentleman passed through a few days ago in need of a bit of coin. Thus, selling the knife and scabbard.   Anselma assumes at this point that the knife was sold to the trader by her husband which she is looking for. Anselma asks the trader how much the knife would cost and pays 5 silvers for the knife and scabbard.   The party gets together after Anselma bought her knife, after which the party heads to other traders finally getting a trader that has the necessary goods. After haggling the price down from 25 gold pieces to 22 gold pieces thanks to the marvelous fantastic and exceptional haggling techniques of Reolus, Grimmaz pays for all the needed equipment.   At which point Reolus notices that the hooded gentleman is suspicious. Without the hooded gentleman noticing, Reolus warns Grimmaz about the hooded gentleman. Grimmaz notices that the hooded gentleman wears an old but expensive coat up to the neck. Wearing jewelry on cloaked hands which seem abnormally skinny. Prompting Grimmaz to plan to sneak up to the suspicious gentleman. Reolus offers to do this task as his profession and skillset is more suited for these kinds of jobs.       Reolus using misty steps appears behind the hooded gentleman and tries to remove the hood of the cloak. But the gentleman expected Reolus to appear behind him and was prepared. Reolus can smell blood coming from the gentleman. The gentleman exudes a strong smell of blood and tells Reolus that nothing is as powerful as the old. Some of us have been around long enough to know how the world operates. At which point Reolus can see what the hooded gentleman looks like. Reolus surprised about the regent evil looking ancient vampiric face tries to warn Grimmaz to be careful as Grimmaz is approaching the person. Grimmaz tries to push the gentleman with his shoulder but is not able. The gentleman is as though as a mountain.   The crowd noticing the things happening by now is fleeing the area.   Grimmaz and Reolus now both see the full face of the suspicious gentleman. At which point the gentleman tells Anselma to hold on to the knife, It’s a strong one that one. After which the gentleman walks off to an alleyway towards the east. Starts muttering something and sprinkling bits of dark dusty sand material in front of him. Slowly disappearing into some mist. Just before he fully disappears, he tells the party Remember my name is Dassem Luqman. By the time the party who started to chase him got close to Dassem, he had already vanished.   At which point the cavalry shows up (late as usual).   Grimmaz explains to the Count that the scuffle happened because of Dassem, and that Dassem used sand magic to teleport. At which point Emon who is also in the late cavalry goes pure white. Grimmaz suggests that the party returns to Emon’s tower to discuss this person named Dassem. The party learns that Dassem is part of the Children of the Nazarene.   Anselma shares her experience with Dassem and that Dassem felt a heartbeat through the knife. At which point Emon hands an oversized crucifix made of pure silver. It contains a built-in dagger. It can deal damage to the undead. If the hearth is pure enough it might be able to fight off or stab Dassem. A cleric can channel his/her divinity through it also to reppel Dassem. Around mid-afternoon the party leaves the tower to drop off the equipment in the inn and to see what else they can do in town.

Rewards Granted

6600 XP and a a magic silver dagger for Anselma.
Took from notes by Pretmaker (Reolus Rhin character). Spelling modifications & additions by myself. Send Pretmaker some love on World Anvil.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
16 Jun 2023
Secondary Location


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