A Flying Visit Plot in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

A Flying Visit

The heroes get the chance to meet the new crowned Emperor. And possible shenanigans may ensue.

Plot points/Scenes

Charlemagne makes it as far as Eschbach where he is to make an appearance as their new Emperor (Holy Roman Emperor), express his desire for a more prosperous peaceful nation, and to exclaim the benefits of mother church (at the local church of course). At about the same time a Tabaxi is intercepted slipping into the church making his way to the entrance of the vault.   Obviously this doesn't go down too well with the local authorities. Grimmaz is also made aware of what is going on and can deal with it as he pleases before the Emperor finds out.   Also, they are informed that there was a bit of a scuffle in the pagan shrine where two outsiders (who has now vanished) had an argument with one near pulling a sword out and the other saying 'Holy ground, Dacian, holy ground. Remember your training.' Both were foreign and one seemed to be from the east of the Black Sea, and the other from Iberia. There is a risk that a body is also found of a Norseman decapitated with strange lights & lightning seen shortly afterwards, being found a short time later close to the town in the forest. It appears as if there was a fight to the death, and the Norseman's body is surprisingly unmarked, and unmarred by disease or injury.   When the would-be thief is seen & captured from above it appears that they are a Tabaxi, a rarely seen species in the region. This causes interest to the locals. Who is he and why is he really there. All they know is that he is called Reolus Rhin, and seems to be from out of town & difficult to pinpoint where he is from. The Thieves Guild of Frankia suddenly start to take an interest in him and may start to ask who he is affiliated with.


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