Meaven Character in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Meaven is an elderly herbalist from Eschbach. She has lived in the village for all her life, and knows all the locals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Meaven has spent all her life in the village of Eschbach where she learned her mother's trade as a herbalist. From an early age she had a knack for interacting with others and she has developed a bit of a reputation as the local gossip. Though saying this, she is surprisingly careful what and how she presents information about others. Originally married young as with most of the villagers, she has had a few miscarriages and a couple of children survive to adulthood who live in small hamlets / villages in the surrounding area with the grandchildren.   Despite her years and quick to talk she has a reputation of being an excellent herbalist, and prides herself on her skills. This has led her to teaching her children & grandchildren in the skills needed for their livelihoods. Also, her ability to get gossip and knowledge to share it when & where appropriate has led her to take over one of the village Council of Three, which meets at the village hall regularly.   In this position she regularly speaks out passionately about the people in the surrounding area allowing for their voice to be held. As well as this, she knows many of the useful & dangerous plants in the local region allowing for this knowledge to be exploited by those who need it.

In her 60s A herbalist by trade Lives in Eschbach

Current Location
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"You need healed boy. That cut knee won't heal properly if it's not got a bit of the right type of wort placed on it. You're lucky I've some here that can be of use. Now come here so I can take a look.   By the way, how's you're little sister keeping? Hope she's not up to any mischief lately".   Meaven speaking to one of the local children.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Grey with streaks of brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 4"
102 lb
Germanic Pagan
Aligned Organization

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