Reckoning Military Conflict in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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The Reckoning (13th century CR) was a massive civil war in the Nine Hells that saw nearly every Archdevil engaged in combat with one another that radically reshaped the infernal political landscape.     While the exact origins and history of the century-long conflict are difficult for mortals to follow, what is generally accepted is that Glasya, the daughter of Asmodeus, manipulated half of the lords of the Hell into attacking the others. The conflict was set off with Bel, the Archduke of Avernus, was put into a magically-induced coma from a vial of demonic poison. All clues at the scene of the crime pointed to Dispater, and the match was struck on the conflict.    During the war, Zariel, a member of the Dark Eight and a reported collaborator with Glasya, besieged Dis and maintaining her supply lines through Tiamat's Lair, as the mother of dragons had declared her neutrality in the conflict. However, near the end of the conflict, Tiamat decalred for Dispater's side and closed off Zariel's access back to Avernus, breaking the seige of Dis. Zariel's infernal legion was routed, and Zariel was taken prisoner by Tiamat, where she was held prisoner for the next century and a half.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Civil War
Battlefield Type
Start Date
13th Century

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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