Glasya Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Glasya is an archdevil, the current archduke of Malbolge, the sixth layer of the Nine Hells, and the daughter of Asmodeus, technically making her the princess of Hell.  


  Though Glasya is openly acknowleged to be the daughter of Asmodeus, the circumstances of her birth are unknown, including the identity of her mother. Regardless, her connection to the ruler of the Nine Hells gave Glasya access to many of the highest courts of power, allowing her to scheme against other archdevils from a young age.   In the 9th century, Glasya and an infernal legion were dispatched to the area surrounding the Winding Water on the Sword Coast of Faerun to confront the roaming demon lord Yeenoghu. While there, Glasya's forces encountered a celestial host that had arrived for the same purpose. However, Glasya managed to convince the celestials' leader, Zariel, to have the two forces work together in common purpose to drive Yeenoghu back to the Abyss . Following the battle, the infernals and celestials departed in relatively peaceful terms.   In the 13th century, Glasya masterminded the Reckoning, a civil war that affected the entirity of the Nine Hells and greatly changed Hells' political landscape. Dispute the rising and falling fortunes the war caused, Glasya's culpability could never be proven, and though many archdevils resented her, none could act against her directly without risking Asmodeus' wrath.   In the early 15th century, Avernus was thrown into disarray when a host of baatorians emerged from teh very ground of Avernus itself and began waging war against the forces of Hell. Bel, the archduke of Avernus, was caught flat footed. Glasya played a small but crucial role in reversing the tide of the Rift War by meeting with Tiamat to free the archdevil Zariel who had been imprisoned since the Reckoning. Though the details of Glasya's visit are unknown, the ultimate result, whether by jailbreak or negotiation, was the release of Zariel, who rallied the forces of Avernus to end the baatorian threat, earning for herself the title of Archduke of Avernus.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Dark Prodigy,  Lord of the Sixth, Princess of Hell
Currently Held Titles


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