Yeenoghu Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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The Prince of Gnolls


Yeenoghu, is a demon lord of the Abyss and the chief being of worship by gnolls, though he is not their original creator. Dedicated only to destruction, Yeenoghu embodies chaos and ruin, though he is often far more cunning than his enemies expect.    


  It is not known when Yeenoghu was created or born, as it is for most of the demon lords. While he is not the creator of the gnoll species, at some point Yeenoghu assumed the position of their chief object of worship, though how and why is unknown.   In the 9th century CR, Yeenoghu led a warband of gnolls across parts of the Western Heartlands on Faerun until he was defeated by an alliance of a celestial host, led by the solar Zariel, and an infernal legion, led by Glasya, the archdevil daughter of Asmodeus.   In 920 CR, Yeenoghu again returned to Faerun to thwart Zariel's plan to lead a crusade of mortals to invade the Abyss, by baiting an attack outside of the village of Idyllglen, where he had been defeated decades previous. During the resulting battle, Yeenoghu captured to human general and friend of Zariel Lady Yael and escaped into Avernus, drawing Zariel and her forces after him, leading to their destruction at the hands of infernal legions.   During the Damnation of Elturel, Yeenoghu led a throng of gnolls and demons during the Battle of Elturel in an attempt to kill as many Elturians that remained alive to deny their souls to Zariel. However, his slaughter was prevented by Zariel's infernal legions and by the city's return to the Material Plane by the Lost Star Detectives.


Contacts & Relations

Like most demon lords, Yeenoghu had few friends and fewer allies, as he preferred to rule through overwhelming strength and brutality. Any demons that Yeenoghu fought alongside served under him.   One such demon was Crokek'toeck, a massive demon with a near unlimited gullet and an immunity to the mind-altering powers of the River Styx, which Yeenoghu used to transport his soldiers as part of the Blood War in Avernus until Crokek'toeck was lost, unknowingly trapped inside of a large Bloody Cyst on the Avernian landscape. However, Crokek'toeck was unwittingly freed by the Lost Star Detectives in 1498 and subsequently killed by them, allowing the demon to reform in the Abyss.   Yeenoghu also had a special animosity for Zariel, both before and after her fall, due to the latter's impressive marshal and tactical prowess. However, Yeenoghu stands as one of the few demon lords to best Zariel in battle, albeit in a pyrric victory, by baiting her mortal crusaders into Avernus during the Charge of the Hellriders, resulting in the complete destruction of her force before their planned invasion of the Abyss. This moment would brand Yeenoghu as Zariel's greatest demonic rival.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Gnolls, Gnoll Lord, Lord of Savagery, Beast of Butchery, Ruler of Ruin

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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