Idyllglen Settlement in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Idyllglen is a long abandoned settlement that was located on the Winding Water. While long forgotten, the lost village served as a key location in the events that led to the angel Zariel's fall to an archdevil.


In the 9th century, the village of Idyllglen was one of the numerous settlements along the Winding Water that was targeted by the demon lord Yeenoghu. Yeenoghu's rampage was halted just outside of Idyllglen, when a host of angels, led by the solar Zariel, and a host of devils, led by Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus, formed an unexpected alliance and defeated the demon lord. In gratitude for their angelic savior, a statue of Zariel was erected in Idyllglen's square.   Decades later, in the early 10th century, the Winding Water and Idyllglen came under threat again, this time from bandit ogres from the Troll Hills. The people of Idyllglen formed a crude militia, under the leadership of a young woman named Yael, and began praying to their angelic savior to return in their time of need. Zariel answered their prayers in 912 and returned with her companion Lulu and aided the people of Idyllglen in defeating their ogre threat, forming a close friendship with Yael.   Inspired by Zariel and Lulu, Yael continued training her militia following the celestials' departure, turning them into a regional peacekeeping force.   Zariel and Lulu returned again to Idyllglen in 918 to turn the Idyllglen warriors into a bold crusade to invade the Abyss. Yael agreed, and Idyllglen served as the crusaders' headquarters until it was moved to Elturel the next year, following High Rider Olanthius's decision to join.   Upon learning about Zariel's plan in 920, Yeenoghu again invaded the Material Plane and began attacking the area around Idyllglen to exploit Zariel's connection to it a goad a fight. The crusaders and demons clashed outside of the village again, but Yeenoghu's true purpose was to capture Yael. After doing so, the demon opened a portal to Avernus and fled through it, baiting the crusaders to following and securing their destruction at the hands of infernal legions.   Idyllglen never fully recovered from this final ransacking, and the village began losing its population for the next several decades before it was abandoned entirely in the 11th century, all but forgotten.

11th Century


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