Rift Siege Military Conflict in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Rift Siege

The Rift Siege (1414 CR) was the final battle of the Rift War that saw the blood legions of the Nine Hells emerge victorious over their baatorian enemies.   The multi-month siege was fought surrounding the rift from which the baatorians emerged from, starting the Rift War back in 1411. During the siege, the Blood Legions cut off all access to and from the rift above ground, while massive drills were sent beneath the service, destroying any tunnels or fortifications the baatorians could've used to fight back or escape.   Though the siege was long, it ended swiftly once the baatorian defenses broke, and the Blood Legions poured into the rift on a rampage that lasted multiple days and resulted in the death nearly every baatorian remaining. Those that survived were taken as hostages and divided among the generals like spoils of war.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Start Date

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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