The shattered world History of Ysgör Timeline

History of Ysgör

Rise of Humanity

1 PT and beyond

  • 415 HU

    Alauvan Hyliin Born
    Life, Birth
  • 562 HU

    Do'zyn Hyliin Born
    Life, Birth
  • 913 HU

    15 /10

    Drathir Lá Born (Ilros Hyliin)
    Life, Birth
  • 987 HU

    22 /12

    Jera Isalya Born
    Life, Birth
  • 994 HU

    6 /2

    Sigret Isalya Sentenced to Death
    Life, Crime

    Sigret Isalya is sentenced to death by exile over the wall for the crime of worshiping the Old Gods.

  • 996 HU

    11 /11

    Ari Isalya Dies
    Life, Death

    Ari Isalya dies in an explosion of Raugh Delvar caused by Othala Trygg.

  • 1012 HU

    15 /8

    Jera Returns to Mithral
    Life, Relocation
  • 1013 HU

    Ginafae Hyliin Chosen as Cleric of Lolth
    Religious event

    10 year old Ginafae Hyliin is selected as the youngest ever Cleric of Lolth by the Goddess herself during her Coming of Age ceremony.

  • 1013 HU


    Drathir Leaves Nelmatos
    Life, Relocation

    Ilros Hyliin goes to the surface for the first time and meets the Moon Goddess Sehanine. He changes his name and declares he is permanently leaving Nelmatos for the surface.

  • 1015 HU

    1 /1

    Othala Trygg Dies
    Life, Death

    Othala Trygg is murdered by Jera Isalya who sought revenge after she discovered he was responsible for the death of her brother Ari Isalya.

  • 1015 HU

    14 /1

    Ordloch Wall Attacked/Prince Houndel Mithrus Murdered
    Criminal Activity

    The Ordloch Wall is damaged in an explosion which appeared to be an assassination attempt against Höundel Mithrus, which succeeded.

    Ordloch Wall