Kezlaf Character in The Ocean | World Anvil
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The Uniter

Kezlaf was Uniter of the Islands from 2014 Vol to the dissolution of the Unity in 2040 Vol.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kezlaf was tapped as Walemin's personal protégé at the age of sixteen. At first believing it to be a singular honor, he was disillusioned to realize that her chief interest in him was in using his watersense, which she herself did not possess. He came to the conclusion that if watersense was so critical to the Unity's success, then he was much more necessary than she was. After Walemin died, Kezlaf claimed the title of Uniter for himself, and went to the Eddy to propose a ruling class of Water Seekers. Although they rejected him politely, the Dancinglight at the time returned to Mraydor with him.

Personality Characteristics


Kezlaf felt that a person's value should depend on their ability to sense and manipulate water.  He blamed the old Eddy's Water Seekers for causing the scarcity of watersense in the ocean's human population by shutting themselves off from civilization, and especially by failing to procreate.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

As a strong tuner, he developed the ability to manipulate water on a cellular level. This enabled him to change others' auras by controlling the water in their bodies, rather than having to use external methods.

Likes & Dislikes

Kezlaf's favorite sensation was vicarious pain.
1993 Vol 2040 Vol 47 years old
Circumstances of Death
Kezlaf died in a confrontation with his own personal guard.

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