Guild of Accountants

The Guild of Accountants is one of the largest employers of wizards in the Castellan Kingdoms. All the Castellan noble houses, including their vassal families, are required to hire a guild accountant specialized in the Divine Right of Taxation. Accountants are also trained in auditing, finance, mathematics and the law, especially those regarding taxation. The guild accountants primarily work with the guilds and the houses, but having an accountant on retainer is a mark of prestige for most businesses. The guild also preforms regular audits.   The Guild of Accountants does issue certification exams that can be taken by the general public, but only members of the Guild of Accountants have managed to pass these exams.


  The typical guild accountant is equipped with a Quill of Scribing, which is used to create a backup copy of guild-managed ledgers in the Collegium. They also have specially made belts that enable them to carry a master ledger, their accountant certificate, their spellbook and other useful tools of the trade.   Gilded Hoard certified Accountants also wear their Gilded Hoard pin and carry their certification.  

Guild Spells

  The Accountant Certificate and the Master Ledger are important spell materials for the Accountant. With those, they can cast spells like Conjure Scales and Weights, Detect Date of Entry, Validate Sum Total, and Create Pivot Chart. These spells are an important part of a certified Accountant's trade, as they enable rapid audits and eliminate the rare arithmetic error that could've caused issues in the future.   Those accountants who are certified with the Gilded Hoard can also cast Summon or Banish Currency.

See Also



CastelliteChamber of PeersGrand CouncilateThe Castellite MillitaryGuild of Accountants
ArgosianImperial MagisteriumBookwardens
StorestGilded Hoard
Base of OperationsThe Collegium
Founding Date19th Dragon, 241 WE
Chartered in
Castellan KingdomsArgosian EmpireStorest
Related Organizations
Gilded Hoard
Woodcutting of the Founder


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Jul 24, 2021 07:29

That was really funny! The spells were a great touch, but the last one, Create Pivot Chart was a bit too much for me (ie: took me out of the fantasy). I really liked to see the quill of scribing again and I am looking forward to seeing what else you make for these people.   I am in particular interested in the below little fact. It could just be because of their advantage in studying, but it definitely sounds like there is more behind it...

The Guild of Accountants does issue certification exams that can be taken by the general public, but only members of the Guild of Accountants have managed to pass these exams.

Jul 24, 2021 15:02 by Annie Stein

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I think the biggest reason no one outside of the guild has passed is because it's horrifically written, with lots of abbreviations and lingo.

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