Westerling Language in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The common language of most of Akados, Westerling (as it is known outside of Akados) or Common (as it is usually known locally) is the language spread throughout the continent by the Kingdom of Foere. It began as something of a pidgin tongue that took words and construction from the Gasquen of Foere and High Boros as well as other Akadian tribal languages, and introduced a strong influence of Helvaenic from the era of the Heldring conquests. Over time, Common became a full language, and, once it was adopted for the purposes of trade, diplomacy, and soldiering, the most effective at permitting communication by a wide variety of peoples. Today, the vast majority of people in the parts of Akados once dominated by the Foerdewaith speak Common as the regular language, and most merchants and traders on the continent (even those from Libynos) use it in the ordinary course.


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