Varcial Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Varcial was founded a mere 18 years ago, its military force aboard only the eighth ship to pass through the newly completed canal system. The excitement for progress can still be felt here, as a small town quickly grew up around the initial fortress. Despite the increase in population, the dangers to this isolated community mandate that the military authorities retain control for some time yet. Although the town is walled, the fortress complex is large enough that the entire population can take shelter inside if absolutely necessary, thus reducing the space that must be defended. Varcial has an adequate port and is trying to develop new trade. Some of its people have found mineral deposits in nearby hills and are working to develop mines there that can bring income to the town.


Varcial, Town of

Commandante Felipa-Jimena of Estancia Sorueno

military commander

273 (almost all Alcaldrich)

Owning Organization


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