Throne of Ift Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Throne of Ift

>Throne of Ift As Baalthaaz means “Throne of Baal,” so Ifthaaz means “Throne of Ift.” A stone throne was supposedly cut into a mountain long ago as a mockery of the Throne of Baal. However, the Throne of Ift is now barely more than a legend. No one knows where it may be, and worshippers do not seek it, as it has no importance to Ift at all. However, some legends say that behind the false Throne of Ift, if one can find it, is a secret chamber with the true Throne of Ift, and one who can pass the guardians to the true throne will earn a great reward. Stories of the greatest thief who ever lived claim he “took a gem from the Throne of Ift”; further tales claim a few others managed to emulate him since then.


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