Savelina Island Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Savelina Island

This island sits in the south part of the Reaping Sea, about 30 miles east of the tip of the Tulyamin mainland. Other than the city of Mandemar and the royal lighthouse, the island is only lightly inhabited, primarily by people who grow food or fish to supply some of the city’s needs. The northern side is hilly, while the southern is low-lying, with mangrove swamps to the east that are often flooded during storms. Lord Rostam declared that each of the inland villages have a common building large enough for the coast dwellers to take shelter during storms if necessary.   One thing the island does have right now is a large population of wild pigs. Left behind when the owner dies, or escaped from a pen in a storm — one way or another, pigs got loose several years ago and are now breeding in the wild. Islanders take extra care to protect gardens or ground crops because the pigs certainly try to get into them. For those who can hunt the pigs, the wild creatures provide plenty of meat. Sometimes Lord Rostam gets together an expedition from Mandemar for the purpose of decreasing the wild pig population and also providing a great roast for the island’s people.


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