Renderby Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Renderby is the only significant settlement in the rural highlands upriver from Zelkor’s Ferry at the mouth of the Canyon River. Its prolonged isolation has allowed several quirky beliefs and practices to take hold among its people. Through some misinterpretation of church doctrine, the townsfolk believe a person’s sins are transferred to the goods they produce and then by extension to anyone who buys their products. Eager to cleanse their souls, these individuals offer discounts based upon the severity of their transgressions to visiting merchants who wear distinctive orange coats and have acquired quasi-holy status within the community. A person desperately seeking penance for a grave crime may even abduct a merchant and force that person to purchase their products for virtually nothing.   In an even stranger twist, Renderby conducts most financial transactions using chickens as a form of substitute currency. Records are kept of partial chicken transactions, and the mayor has even crafted wooden half-chicken tokens to facilitate purchases made using this bizarre system. The town is so odd, even the lord-governor and his barons ignore it, preferring to forfeit their tax revenue than to try to make sense of this weird place. Some merchants and residents alike speculate that those who created these unusual ideas may truly be “crazy like a fox.” Although their methodology leaves visitors scratching their heads, they avoid the onerous tax burden foisted upon the rest of the province.


Renderby, Town of

2,640 (2,422 Foerdewaith, 136 half-elf, 57 high elf, 25 Halfling)

A rooster on a white background

Mayor Barth Lottenbandry


Owning Organization


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